So, we are maybe 3 weeks after Parliament returned from a 3 month summer break, and its conference season. Does anyone know why they don't have the conferences before Parliament reforms? Surely it would be better to get all the ducks in a row for policy, etc before returning?
I think it's because they like to get the money back that they've spent on holiday through additional expense claims during the conference. They also probably missed their mistresses whilst having to spend time with their bloody family.
This does not look like the Labour Party I've voted for most of my life. I think that the new younger members are going to be disillusioned when they realise that their altruistic and largely pro-remain views are not those of the likes of McDonnell and Milne, who are dangerous men.
Aye because of the actions of some people that makes everyone else the same. Genius thought process. Someone from me mams street gone done for drink driving. I better tell her to hand her licence in next time I see her. As I said reflects a negative cynical mind rather than the people you stereotype
Seems to be absolutely the best time to be a long term Labour supporter to me. A revitalised party that has remembered its purpose controlled by its members.
Again you're right of course. MPs don't overclaim expenses as a rule. Take Andrew Bridgen for instance. Granted he's a Tory mp but I'm sure we all agree that you can't get a cig paper between these clones
Both are vocal supporters of failed communist regimes and have in the past lent their support to causes pursued by terrorist means. McDonnell's desire to move to a communist style economic model would be a disastrous experiment, particularly at this time, and would eliminate any possibility of minimising the harmful aspects of brexit. Your opinion (to which you are entitled) may be different. That's mine.
A member of the human race killed someone the other day. Maybe we should all hand ourselves in. Over the last 100 years what percentage of MPs have been prosecuted for expenses fraud. Something like 0.5 percent. Again cynical views like yours are a comment on you not them. You must of course be a massive fan of Corbyn who claims the least amount of expenses for any mp Lots of MPs are fantastic people who do a lot of good for the community they represent on all sides of the political spectrum. They are of course human and have flaws like the rest of us. It's suits the agenda of the right wing press to have us believe that they are all the same and nothing can change. It's not true but there's always those daft enough to believe it.
Absolute drivel He wants the government to play an investing role in the economy. Hardly a communist model.
Isnt tarring people with the same brush what a lot of people in barnsley do best ? Not aimed at you btw
Orsenkaht If it wasn't for people like Corbin talking to terrorist groups like the IRA (and he never condoned them) and bringing them to peace talks there would still be trouble in Northen Irland, to say they lent their support to causes of terrorist means is saying they are terrorists and that's wrong, as for McDonnells desire to move to communist style of economics means bringing the Post Office and the Railways back into public ownership then I say bring it on. Just my opinion like. Anyway, let's talk Horses, have you got owt good for this week because I'm having a terrible run 70 quid down this last week.
Narr then, UTC. I thought it wunt tek thi long! I was careful to say they "lent their support to causes pursued by terrorist means", which is not the same as saying they supported the terrorist means. As for public ownership, you too are old enough to recall the days of greater nationalisation and you will know there weren't too many successful examples. I see McDonnell has already backtracked slightly on taking back all the PFI-controlled assets. No doubt someone has pointed out he (i.e. we) couldn't afford to. Although I totally agree there should be no more of this type of funding (as today's Guardian editorial further suggests). As you say - far more important matters. My form is no better than yours at present! All the rain is not helping. The best racing this week is Newmarket at the weekend and if they run (declarations haven't been made yet) then CHIARA LUNA (Friday 3.00 Newmarket - Rockfel Stakes) and ELARQAM (Saturday 1.50 . Royal Lodge Stakes) would interest me. I doubt either will be favourite, but they both have upside potential on their second runs. In the Arc (Sunday - Chantilly) I'm taking on Enable, who is the likely winner but not a working man's price. I'd be with BRAMETOT and HIGHLAND REEL against the favourite, but don't back Highland Reel if it turns up soft!