Last I saw and heard: Moncur - was subbed against QPR but there wasn't any report of him being injured. Gardener - had a dead leg injury weeks ago and hasn't been seen since. These two players are important parts of the team/squad.
Moncur not selected for squad today. No injury. Gardner needed fluid taking out of leg. And no need to rush him back before international break.
Moncur reminds me of Hourihane in the first 18 months: often scores a great goal and has a good passing ability, but sometimes lacks the ability to get properly stuck in when needed
Not being funny but why do you keep asking where gardner is when people keep telling you he's injured?
Gardener - although a defensive midfielder - when he's at the side of Williams it allows other midfielders to get forward more. We have to stick to 451.
'keep telling me' ??? I haven't seen owt - first I've heard about him having fluid taken from his leg. All I heard was that he had a dead leg. How long does it take to get over a dead leg usually??? An hour ???
Where bone is crushed against muscle, sometimes causing swelling and bruising to the muscle. No. It doesn't take an hour to get over a severe dead leg.
Obviously the combined medical staff of Aston Villa and Barnsley have not realised that Mr Gardner recovered from his dead leg an hour after it happened. It's a bit like the takeover, where all contracts have to be ratified by people on here. The medical teams should have come on here first to get advice on a comprehensive 55 minute treatment and rehab plan.
Gary Gardner resumes training next week, along with Andy Yiadom apparently. Yids is halfway through his recovery from his back injury. Cavare has a torn hamstring and is expected to miss the next two weeks of training. Source: Chronicle Friday 29th.