And over 100 injured Seems to be a "local" man that did the shooting with a machine gun Thoughts and sympathies all those caught up in this madness
Friends of ours are in Vegas to get married. They are safe, but can't go back to their hotel room (its in the Mandalay complex) and were stuck in Planet Hollywood unable to leave or do much of anything until it calms down.
It's just horrible. I was there two weeks ago, and was struck then by how little visible security there was generally. Not that there's much that you can ever do about individual lunatics intent on something like this :-(
Where you buy automatic weapons in a supermarket, what do they expect? Trump and the NRA will say the answer is more guns, not less.. mental.
Shocking. America, the self proclaimed policemen of the world. Sadly this will just result in more guns being sold in that idiotic country. A Mad man shooting up a school of primary school children did nothing to help guns being more controlled, so this won't either. Tragedy for all those involved.
It's dubbed as "The biggest mass shooting in American history" the mad thing is there will be some gun nut out there wanting to break the record.
whilst ramping up his campaign to ban anyone from an islamic background being allowed to enter the country to protect americans.
I've debated with these gun lobby idiots til I'm blue in the face on occasion. You just can't get through to them. Expect some pathetic response from the NRA any time soon along the usual lines of guns don't kill people, other people do.
Can't think any response other than tears of total despair. If I never visit that country ever again it will be too soon. It's toxic to the core.
Well, if the victims had all been armed then they could have fired back... or something. Which could have resulted in lots of innocents in the hotel rooms getting hurt too.
Then you get people like Pence saying he's praying for the victims. Disgusting. . He has the power to try to prevent this kind of thing but won't use it because it would cost him votes and donations but he gets a free pass because he says he's praying. Makes my blood boil.
ISIS just claimed it...
I blame lack of guns, if they made it compulsory for everybody from the age of 2 up to carry them, somebody might have stopped him!
Here's Trump addressing the NRA a few months ago. He refers to their "fight for freedom", presumably the freedom to shoot dead other Americans.