How long do you think it would take for the entire population of Barnsley to be wiped out by guns in America? By that I mean based on the amount of gun deaths over there per year how long do you think it would take to wipe out Barnsley? How many days? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?
It wouldn't take 2 minutes if all those with guns in the USA came over to shoot us. "Gun deaths" is a bit vague too - twice as many in the USA shoot themselves rather than others. Plus you need to factor in why you would feel the need to go around shooting someone anyway. They'd find it easier to drop a bomb methinks.
Chanel 4 news last night said 33 000 deaths last year ( inclusive of suicide and accidental) So not long.
Correct. For example in 2014 there were 33,594 deaths by guns so we're talking just over a couple of years really. To put that into context if the first person was shot the day we signed Conor hourihane Barnsley would be no more now
Without googling? It's simple arithmetic... Though I did had to look up the correct spelling of arithmetic. I was always crap at maths.
What was the point? If you're just concerned with gun deaths, without looking at anything more, then you will still find that more people died in the USA in any year from drugs/alcohol. More people died in vehicle accidents. If you're continuing to try to prove what a third world country the USA is (your words), then you'll never get anywhere with that, because we all know what the USA gives to the world. Much of it may be unwelcome, but it ain't third world. if you think the USA gun laws are madness, then we all know that already.
No idea. Saw a stat today more people have been killed by firearms in the US since 1968 than in all the wars they have ever fought.
Not interested in how many are accidentally killed in car accidents. Interested in the unnecessary deaths of thousands and thousands of people at the hands of guns in a third world country that allows anyone to buy guns before they can even drink
One day they'll get round to banning guns... Apparently they don't even need a licence for firearms in Nevada..
I think the statistic that matters is the % of deaths per head of population: ours is only 0.1%. Millions of Americans live in poverty, many in ghettos. In America it is up to the individual, the state constitutionally refuses to take anything other than minimal responsibility. The once great city of detroit has halved in population over the last couple of decades, there are whole neighbourhoods laying waste with abandoned houses, their owners bankrupt with many living on the streets. America offers little in way of protection.
how many people I agree that their gun laws are madness. As a thirsty 19 year old I thought their alcohol laws were madness too. It might from a humanitarian point of view be more balanced to be concerned about all means of death rather than just by the bullet. But each to their own.
Yeah but if you're using statistics the USA's GDP per person is still better than ours. I hate statistics cos they often ultimately prove nowt. Not sure about the current Championship Table. I'm hoping that's a lie.