Sjo Cooper, Shotton, McGugan and Futcher. Look way harder and scarier than the most mental bouncers in Sheffield during my clubbing days.
Steve Agnew looks younger nar than he did then.. Funny seeing Joyce without that early 80s Tash... seems 7 or 8 of em are still sporting em theer. Worse kit ever were that ...
Dave especially liked a sherbet or two. Futch and Baker weren’t adverse to a night in Whispers either
Malcom Shotton is a 45 year old Sgt Major. Paul Futcher a 50 year old hairdresser, best mate of Peter Stringfellow. Julian Broddle is clearly Marty Feldman in a wig. Clive Baker is a 55 year old baker. Nominative determinism in full effect. Steve Agnew is a pensioner pulled from the stands who was still trying to get down the stairs after the game the previous Saturday. (He was about 12 in that photo wasn't he?) Pity they didn't do the same photo with them wearing their casual clothes. Doubt they'd look like a football team, more like a paedophile ring.
The class of 1989/90. What possessed anybody to allow us to wear that kit.! Certainly proved to be a talking point. Some Oakwell legends on there without doubt. Remember the young keeper Wardle cos he was a Donny lad like me. Suffered a double fracture of his leg in a goalmouth clash with Robbie Earle then of Port Vale. We were behind the goal on the Ponte end and heard the crack. Absolutely sickening. The lad never played again unfortunately.
Wee horrible cheating diving lovely person front left. I can never forgive him on his antics v us and the game in general.
Some players I was extremely fond of turned out for us that season (Taggart, Currie, Cooper, Futcher, Smith, Fleming, Shotton, Agnew), but without doubt the worst Barnsley kit EVER!
Think we should do a "where are they now?" on these guys.... here's Ian Wardle. Manager at Dewsbury Sports Centre.
He returned home a couple of seasons after he left us and played for Airdrie and Dumbarton. Who was he playing for when they played your team Ian and what happened.?
The team formally known as Glasgow Rangers. The maggot forever got the ball got into the box threw himself penalty. Every club suffered. Authorities allowed it to happen because it was the rangers way. McDonald nothing but a horrible disgusting cheat. And no one likes a cheat.