Yes, on both sides. Chat over the fence kind of stuff but not sitting in one another's houses. I don't like the living in each others houses type of relationship. My brother used to have his neighbours walking in willy nilly at his last house.
We moved because of our last neighbours we listened to their drunken rows, they damaged our car , damaged our garden were very untidy and noisy they parked numerous vehicles in our area constantly. I got work for the husband when he was out of work during the recession I could go on and on. I know they resented us and I don't know why or what we did but it was a choice of a battle or move so we moved as your home is important and living with bad neighbours is an unnecessary pressure. What's the reason for the random question it is a horrible position to be in if they are affecting your home life.
We've had about 10 lots of neighbours on one side, never a problem. The other side has been the same neighbours since we moved it. We get on a lot better with them now they are not sat about 10ft from our bedroom window shouting drunken abuse until 4 in the morning, or deciding to have loud parties in their back gardens until late on a Sunday night. It seems that getting environmental health out to them might have done the trick...
Old luvvie upstairs dunt like it when I’m smoking mi whacky baccy on balcony, but always manage to sweeten her back up again
Yes get on fine with both sides, and are happy to help each other out when needed for example a couple of weeks ago I borrowed one neighbours scaffold tower to help the other neighbour take down a couple of trees that had got out of hand using my chain saw. Also most of the street get together a couple of time a year to fill in the holes in the road and trim back the trees / hedges that are encroaching. My street is not tarmacked or maintained by the council but is classed as a green lane so we need to do all that ourselves Bit different to my previous house where when the nice old lady next door died the house was sold to a housing association who re-housed a family where the dad was "away in pakistan" (actually at one of Her Majesties finest hotels) and the family was homeless due to confiscation of gains via drug dealing. Kids were a pain because they ignored the mum. Got worse when dad came home ( was released) - real shady character. We were awoken at dawn one morning with much shouting and banging next door - looked outside to see the street was full of police who had raided the house and subsequently found drugs hidden in the walls. Glad they got the right address We moved house before he was sentenced again. Fortunately for my conscience the couple buying the house knew all about the neighbours as the guys brother lived a couple of houses away and they wanted to be close to each other.
Buy a boat, then if you dont get on with your neighbours , either just untie and sail away from them or untie them and sail them off ! Simples !! Never had a problem with anyone on the waterways to be honest !
Glad this topic has come up. We've recently moved into a newly built estate and our neighbours moved in at the same time. They're both nice, older than us (I can never remember their names) the only issue I have with them is that they have one of those stupid subwoofer systems on their TV. Every day I can hear the vibrations from it and its getting pretty annoying. As we've both just moved in recently, how long should I leave it before I have a quiet word? Bearing in mind that we could be living next door to one another for the next 25 years.
It's difficult with neighbours and noise. My house is old so the walls are a bit thin. If you've got music/radio/TV on it's not too much of a problem as it drowns any neighbour noise out. However, problem I have is that my neighbours have too young kids and they are never still. They are currently running up and down the stairs or in the front bedroom and it's constant. There is also an adult in there who stamps around like an elephant. That goes on until about 11pm. Problem is, once you are aware of a noise you spend half your time waiting to hear it again so you can never ignore it. Added to this, mine are miserable fuckers. Sometimes they say hello and others they just blank you. I actually did summat a bit daft when they moved in and gave them my wi-fi password which was a mistake. Anyway, due to the constant banging I started being a bit petty and turned it off when I wasn't in so I think they've got the kite on with me. They refuse to take parcels for me now (they're in during the day) and come round to complain when I'm hoovering at night. Petty **** like that where it's tit for tat. I suppose that's what most neighbour "issues" are - petty ****. In fact, I feel petty posting this but after the time it took to write, I couldn't bring myself do delete it!
This day and age with fewer home owners around where I have lived for the last four plus years being replaced with short term tenants it's very difficult to get to know your neighbours. Six months and most of them have gone. Leaving a pile of ***** behind. Those who have settled long term barring one incident are pretty sound. And at best it's eclectic around here. Part of me will miss the reliability of them when I've moved from here however given how the area is slowly following other parts of town it will be a blessing in disguise
We'd recently moved but at our previous address we had an elderly neighbour who used to go mental if you parked at the side of her house. It was a residents space so shouldn't have been a problem but she used to go mad. If you had a guest and they parked there while they visited she used to say absolutely vile things to them causing countless problems. She didn't even drive and had a garage and drive way so I'm not sure why she had a massive issue with it. I'm the other side when we first moved in the bloke used to play meatloaf songs full blast day and night which was rather annoying with a new born!!! I had a quiet word and it stopped mostly before he moved out not long after.
Yes. Both neighbours either side absolutely no problems. Been at this address for 14 years. At my previous address my upstairs neighbour was the actress who played Tricia Yates in Grange Hill. The nice looking blonde.
Nice one mate. I've never seen Michelle since I left my old flat although I do believe she stays not so far from me. When I knew her she had long blonde hair. Strange to see her sporting very dark hair. Must look out for her. Great girl.