Yeh they might. Goodh point Churton. But knowing how QT are, they will carefully screen the audience and they'll defo not be representative of the local community ..
Given that the vast majority of questions asked on QT are directed towards issues topical to the week the only indication of the make up of the audience is usually the volume of response to the thoughts of the panel. How do you choose the audience? Walk into Barnsley town centre and invite the first 500 people? What about those who are at work if it's a weekday? Are they disenfranchised? Etc etc. There's no way of really getting an accurate representation of the make up of the town unless you consciusly select a cross section, I don't know how they do it but I imagine whichever method they use some will cry foul.
Lol, typical BBC. Anti goalkeeper. How about a panel consisting of Roy Ironside, Brian Arblaster, Lee Butler and Luke Steele? The audience could play shots in rather than asking questions.
I have applied like I did for the Wakefield one. It will be interesting to see if my Labour Party membership will get me rejected for the 2nd time. The Right Wing bias of QT will probably fill panel with right wingers and the audience with Ukippers, and bring in a bus load of Tory activists like they did for the GE TV debates.
The woman who works for the production company and selects the audience is alleged to be a Britain First supporter.
That would not surprise me one little bit take last weeks Question time on the panel were 3 tory's,(4 if you count the host) 1 labour, 1 University lecturer and 0 lib/dems, outrageous. These British First supporters are everywhere I was only talking to 1 in the pub the other night I told him I did not like his views and as I told him he had a right to them but don't shove them at me.
If you want to get on I'd suggest saying you vote Labour or Lib Dem and voted Remain. Despite Barnsley overwhelmingly voting Brexit the audience will be full of Remainers, that's the biased BBC for you.
"I have applied like I did for the Wakefield one. It will be interesting to see if my Labour Party membership will get me rejected for the 2nd time. The Right Wing bias of QT will probably fill panel with right wingers and the audience with Ukippers, and bring in a bus load of Tory activists like they did for the GE TV debates." Are you actually insane? Have you ever seen an episode of QT, the audience is overwhelmingly left-wing every week.
Left-wing??? Left wing of the NSDAP and BUF?? The chairperson dimpleby is right wing Tory vast majority of the panel are always Tory or Right wing... the audience is always 'well screened' and brought in from all over the say they are largely political party members or middle class-type
You could start any series based on political debate and ALWAYS both sides will bleat about the programme being unfair to them. It's the nature of the beast. Personally, I've listened to QT over the years and find it pretty well balanced on the whole. One episode may veer one way, another the opposite. As an alternative we could ban all such programmes to remove any hint of bias and end up with an electorate even more badly informed than the one we currently have.
You must work for the BBC! what a load of rubbish. BBC couldn't be any more left-wing unless they get Corbyn in to read the 6 O' Clock News.