So because it wasn't completed in September, when most media outlets were speculating it would be it's apparently collapsed. PC's met with two of the consortium over recent weeks.
Surely proof of funds would be asked about pretty early in the negotiations. You wouldn't get to the verge of completing and only then ask "so you do actually have some cash don't you?"
Wasn't the latest understanding that the deal has been agreed and was now with the EFL for sign off.? Would they have gone as far as initiating a new shares deal and putting Patrick's wife and son on the board if proof of funds has not already have been forthcoming.? Seems a strange way of doing business if all the " legwork" has been done then calling for proof that the Consortium has the cash to fund the deal as one of the final parts of the process.?
I have absolutely no idea one way or another, but that article appears to be based on passing a deadline that never was, which they probably made up in the first place. Doesn't mean they're wrong, deals fail all the the time, but equally it doesn't seem to have any substance at all. The most telling line being the final one: "Jarvis, Barnsley and a spokesman for Beane all declined to comment." Unspecified sources is newspaper shorthand for 'we've made all this s.hit up.'
worst thing ever Beane getting involved from a media reporting point of view. its all they go on about now. no mention in that report of the actual main guys taking over. If Beane wasn't supposedly involved that report would have been 5 lines long
If this deal fails - then the club will still be sold - no matter who it gets sold to - it's going to be sold. Bit like Brexit really - no matter what the EU comes up with to stall the agreement - the U.K. Is leaving the EU. So my advice would be to the EU to take it seriously - and same applies to Billy Beane and co - it's going to happen one way or another.
The drip drip drip from Dragons fangs has fallen on the sleeping forehead of a sports writer at the Daily Mail.