Jonathan Buchan tweeted this morning that Hecky was critical about how long the takeover is taking. So I looked on ifollow to watch the interview. But as soon as the reporter asks Hecky about the takeover the video is clearly edited... So could someone who as listened to the radio Sheff version please tell us what was in that bit, Cos these days I can no longer get Radio Sheff interviews on line for some reason. Why the club doesn't think the fans are big enough to hear the full interveiw is beyond me, or is it they just don't think we're entitled to hear the Managers honest opinion.. That's the link I always use to get the interviews through Safari on my iPhone.
Having been involved in these things personally I'm 100% certain NDAs will be in place i.e. Non Disclosure Agreements. Both club officials and the potential purchaser will have signed these and form a contractual agreement to basically keep their gobs shut. There are specific phases of the negotiations and due diligence where this silence is critical. My involvement in M&A hasn't been in a sporting business context but the same process applies. There are many reasons and especially as the people who seem to be after the club have other business interests and maybe stock market connection then trading rules will also necessitate a careful and private negotiation. So whatever was said by Hecky or anyone else around the club or purchasers would need to be kept quiet.