Hi, just wondered if anyone on here is a paint sprayer or knows anyone that does it at home in spare time etc. Just fully stripped my lambretta ready for paint.
I work with someone who owns a Lambretta and he goes absolutely berserk when I refer to it as his 'moped'. So with that in mind, have you tried Malc's Moped Makeovers at Mapplewell?
Ha ha i have a auntie in her late 60s that refers mine to a moped everytime she sees me on it. I had never heard of malc's but will look into it, thanks for the info
Sorry mate, it was a flippant response. I invented Malc's. But if nobody gives you a decent suggestion over the weekend, I'll find out who did my workmates for you, on Monday. He's based in Donny but they did a mint job. No artwork mind, just red, but looks immaculate.
Call in at the Ship Inn at Worsbrough on a Sunday afternoon, the Vikings scooter club meet there. They'll know every paint sprayer in a 100 mile radius
Thanks sparky i had already thought of that and reckon thats probably my next step. I know 3 or 4 lads that do it but cant fit it in until after new year
I don't have one but I love Lambretta's and Vespa's. I'm an old Mod at heart so the scooter is as much part of the scene as the music. A very good mate is into the scooters in a big way and goes to loads of the rallies.