Oh and regarding 'living in a greek village".... this was in reference to integration: they do not live in an "ex-pat" community. Indeed my father loathes the very mention of the word 'ex-pat'. Thanks for the miss-informed condecension.
There a similar Channel 4 interview the day after. The bloke explained he voted out because of all the Muslims coming here but explained he didnt mind the Europeans.
I'm not sure why you're getting defensive at me saying that racist people don't seem to realise there are good immigrants like your parents and bad immigrants here too but instead tar everyone with the same brush. It's a discussion point, not something for you to get sarcastic about. My point is that it's very easy to see the other side of the argument about immigration when it is an English person moving abroad but some people (not you, I'm talking about the people such as shown in that video) struggle to apply that to people moving here and instead think immigrant = horrible freeloader.
I disagree that that was the purpose of your response: neither that my response includes sarcasm. Your reply was clearly one of a 'smart arsed' nature with no desire to look beyond my written words to understand the intended rationale.
I cannot imagine that your average Greek village resident would not have something to say (of a detrimental nature) if their traditional village was flooded all of a sudden with non-Greeks. That doesn't make those immigrants bad, nor does it make the Greeks racist.
I voted leave.and not ashamed to say so ...Race issues never crossed my mind ...unlike some i want to have the choice who i vote for to be in charge ...not to be told whos running the show...and is beyond reproach .The European union is nothing but a dictatorship that uses its power to try and make every one confirm to its rules...one size does not fit all ...You who voted to Stay....LOST end of story, you can bleat as much as you want ...but thats the beauty of a Democratic society ..unfortunately the way Europe is set up you were happy to have your rights of choice removed... My old argument do you want your grand kids and future generations to come, told this is how it is, no choice. Then not being able to decide, who's in power or question any rules and regulations that are put in place ...or do you want them to have freedom of choice..... You sell the bad idea good .....you get lots who buy into it ....never looking outside the box ....or thinking about future generations for that matter I will be the first to put my hand up and say ...European market ...Yes .European Union No ....and thats coming from someone who still holds a right to reside in Portugal certificate complete with tax number There will still be some who level the race card at me ...but does it make me a racist because i believe that Sharia law as no place in our country and that we as adults should be able to have a debate at the highest level without the fear of being labeled racist ...for crying out loud the only reason the powers to be ,wont have a open debate, is that they are scared of alienating a large section of the community, whos vote could make all the difference to whos in power You say that those in the media clip are misguided but their fears are real to them ...most no doubt read news papers see the news on all channels and are conditioned to think out of Europe would see immigration stemmed, they see the NHS crumbling before their very eyes, other services straining due to lack of investment but all they hear is its johnny foreigner causing the problem , they are conditioned and brain washed into this way of thinking....and thats in a democratic society..... Imagine the fun the future dictatorship of the European union would have with the mind set of the population and You want to stay....give it a rest think for yourselves ....stop being led like sheep....the powers to be dont want you to think for yourselves ...doing that you become a danger to them Rant over ...Love light and blessings to fellow man
But if there was, havana's parents would still be nice 'ideal' immigrants. More people going there wouldn't make them suddenly the scum of the earth. Some people seem to really struggle to differentiate between the two and instantly hate all immigrants as they have the idea that they are all here for benefits and a free ride.
I'm not saying that people who are against immigration are inherently racist, I understand that some people have legitimate concerns, I'm saying that racist people don't seem to care that there are people here integrating and contributing to society, they just want to get rid of everyone. I do think everyone who is here (legally) should be allowed to stay and a more stricter policy should be implemented in the future. I would love in an ideal world for there to be free movement everywhere but I know that that's not practical and cannot happen.
But unemployment is the highest its been since whenever, poverty too.. and yet the govt allows mass immigration.. and we just expect working class folk to not notice..??
Most people I have spoken to re. the EU and voted for leaving did not give immigration as the issue. Most, like myself, voted to leave because (a) they found it undemocratic (b) that it was a gravy train for failed politicians like Kinnock (c) that it was harmful to the world's developing nations, (d) the EU's failure to have its accounts signed off, laying it open to accusation of corruption, and (e) its bureaucratic waste in so many areas. One had only to watch the excellent programme by Paxman to realise that it was a bureaucratic Topsy.
There's plenty of albanians and bulgarians knocking about to be fair. The albanians are highly skilled stonemasons and consequently much valued workers.
No, as I've said, people voicing legitimate concerns fair enough, no problem with that whatsoever. People spouting racist abuse about anyone who has moved here from another country is not fair enough. My comments are about actual racist people who don't need defending.
I completely agree.thats a different argument. But mass immigration , lower wages..and the knockon effects are obvious to see.. Christ .. did someone mention sharia law..lol
I dont even need to watch the video to understand why some folks views are what they are. I live in a very ethnically diverse area to say the least. Been here four years and over time the area has changed and not for the better. My immediate neighbours are an eclectic mix. The English ones keep themselves to themselves and tut at the mess left by others. The African family are extremely well educated, very religious both employed within the NHs, two of the politest kids you'll ever wish to meet, English better than mine. The Hungarians, not as qualified but barring a 'mis understanding' are always at work and try to talk English all the time. I saw English it's more tarn these days. The Poles, very much a mixed bag, all hard working but there was a marked difference between the younger say sub 25 and those older. Older ones you won't hardly see or hear from barring a hello, younger ones always seem to be wired. One way to get round Asos I suppose. The Romanians (not the Roma) less said the better. Apart from the complete lack of respect for my neighbours or myself, they hardly work, couple of days a week maximum, very limited English and don't like anyone who is well not white. The Roma, More work in a broken clock. They are only here for 1 reason. Benefits. The Albanians, don't work. Flush with cash. I mean seriously flush. In the last few months there's been numerous items of furniture abandoned from fridge freezers right through to mattresses and bedding from when they've moved out or in the case of the mattresses riddled with mites. The council have removed a number of public bins as they were being covered in rubbishy from the local households. Mostly Roma but plenty of others have chipped in. There's been friction in the half way houses used by the council for 'refugees' between gangs of Iraqis, Syrians,Kurds,afghans. There's been more than one occasion when the poles and/or Lithuanians, Latvians have had gang fights. Always a plod car knocking about. Subletting is rife. Plenty of midnight flits, baliffs and the Dvla turn up once a month. Can always tell with the big stickers on the window or a clamp. And I've got it quite easy.