Get rid. I just can't see the euphoria of financing their lavish and unearned lifestyle. Just a shower of parasites.
German Benefit scroungers - the irony no doubt lost on the Brexit headbangers who love old queeeny maaaam!
How many homeless could they house in the start with ...all that money they have, same with the Church be that England or Roman ...yet this day and age we have food banks homelessness poverty at its highest ...and these two organisations could end it tomorrow if they wanted to....once again the elite saying screw you. Get shut of the lot of them
Buck house has over 700 rooms. How many were given over to the poor victims of Grenfill Tower. Aye bet Frau Windsor when watching on the telly with no licence just tutted and said hope there is a hovel somewhere for them to shelter tonight. Then got stuck into her bottle of Gordon's.
That revenue could be significantly increased, make the fuckers shovel dog **** off the streets with their bare hands, filmed live on a new BBC channel. I'd gladly sacrifice another £500 per year in tax to see this, and I'm pretty confident a fair few would agree.....
If you want a more wordy repost; they are a pernicious and unelected source of both economic and political power. Which they wield through patronage and titles awarded to those who toe the line. They face no serious criticism as a result and take money without question. They are a anachronistic throw back to a time when you knew your place in society and jolly we'll stayed there and their continued existence merely perpetuates the class system which continues to inflict on us the rule that its not what you know but who you know in our society.
Yes the last unwarranted increase the Queen got was 46m. But what about the rest of the scroungers. Can't see them living on a minimum bursary.
Do as the Danes did. Cut down who they paid. As for the income they bring in, is it they who bring it, or the palaces, castles, etc? I think France does okay with its palaces without a royal family.
no idea. i got the impression the question was about the windsors. to be clear, i'm no royalist, but if they attract more in tourist revenue than they cost, it's a no brainer.
Well Marc they all seem to live in mansions or palaces with no obvious jobs to finance their lavish lifestyles. Someone has to be picking up the tab for this.