No. Neither is Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria or Kurdistan. Which is not meant to be me having a go at those countries. There are good people and complete idiots in every nation on the face of the earth.
I read somewhere we did not have a vote but a referendum which was nor ratified in parliament meaning it was not law unlike a vote which the result is ratified by Parliament and is endorsed by Parliament. So I think we could have another vote this time but that would upset more than 50% of voters in doing so so no govt will take that chance of doing that. So it looks like we are stuck with something that will be detrimental to us all.
Agreed. It's those bloody Scots I take exception to though. Lazy gits. Every time I go on google maps there's this one bloke stood loafing about outside the bakery. Every day! He never shifts the feckless git!
At some point in the future maybe it would need to be re addressed that said Weve not left yet And in my honest opinion i think the powers to be, don't want us to leave, nor are they doing anything to bring the matter to a head..yes they claim they are talking but the longer it goes on who knows the outcome... The bigger picture is a one World Government ..the new world order that gets thrown about a lot on social media Like I've said, I'm all for a European Market but not for the dictatorship that Europe is and would further become should we remain in the present format Cameron and the Tory party never expected the country to vote leave, like it did Most are aware the Tories were split on Europe and the actual vote its self was done in the interest of the Tory party rather than the country For me to vote remain in any future ballot would need the European Parliament to change to a democratic system of power ...something it will never do ...that said, we were led into a European union under false pretenses , decades ago we were sold the idea of a common market not a union of power, that we have today...the mess as come about in my opinion due to those in power lining their own pockets ..too many with their snouts in the trough with the Motto self first self last Hope this answers your question
Strongly object to any sort of generalization based on race or nationality. Judge a person as a person and not by their country of birth. You have benefit scroungers etc yes, and call them so if you wish. However their are more than a fair share of British in this bracket so don't play the immigrant card.
Yes I'd love to move to scandinavia one day and would hope for better treatment than what some have given to migrants here.
Nothing natural about being a Xenophobe. Racism and Xenophobia are taught and the number of people that I see bringing their kids up in this way is shocking.
The woman who thought that "Things on immigration... All... Everything" would happen "quicker" was a beauty. As was the woman in the shower cap that said "99% of them are in prison". Still none the wiser who's she's referring to. I really do wish they would've captioned each comment with what each individual did for a living, I think it would make the comments even more ridiculous.
I read and like many of your comments Jimmy...but please don't refer to people who have a different view to you in those the very least it doesn't help a reasoned debate. I would say that you are not correct in Murdoch's case...Sky, in which he is a major shareholder have always maintained an extremely negative editorial to Brexit . The Elites of this in UK terms are the Kinnoch's , Blair and Clegg's ...the EU is the career of choice or personal aspiration for them....the real Elites however are the Goldman Sachs...the OECD and the IFS...people float seamlessly between the EU and these organisations on a strata far above minor a***holes like Johnson and Farage, they have no interest in the welfare or political expectations of Joe Public in any country...purely currency and business stability, their only interest is that the party continues for them with the least of trouble from the great unwashed.