They do look after their own interests, they don’t generally include the ‘lower classess’ that’s all. No-one puts the English down more than the English.
English. Should be a place on forms for it so for nationality you don't have to tick other and put England. Also identify as a Yorkshireman.
Will always be English and lucky to be a yorkshire man. British is an amalgamation of separate nations with their own identity who are politically joined by rather than a common identity. And I am as happy for anyone to call themselves English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish if that is their desire.
Yorkshire, English. I used to sometimes say British but if you ask Scots, Welsh etc thats exactly what you get, so I got more parochial
Born in barnsley which is in england. So purely by the grace of god i guess i'm english and that's what i would tell anyone if they asked. I'm not particularly patriotic and i love it when the british lions play their tours. I also cheer anyone on whilst playing or competing for great britain. I would never say i was british though. Barnsley then Yorkshire then England then Great Britain then the United Kingdom.
Human I've very little in common with racist, jingoistic, misogynist, religious, capitalist or nationalist beliefs wherever they happen to be born.
Yorkshireman, Englishman, Briton, European. All of those things - and there is no reason for me to consider myself more of any one of them than another. And I don’t, I am proud to be all of them.
Midlands, or British at a push. To be honest, it all strikes me as petty nationalism.Not particularly interested in nation states at all, and find it bizarre that anybody could possibly be proud of something over which they had no power. I'm proud of what I've created, not where the bed in which I was born happened to be situated.
If you were born in Europe, you're European. If you were born on Earth, you're an earthling. If you were born in Manchester, you're a Mancunian. And if you happened to be born in all three? Chuff me, etc.