As a **** sleeper and an early waker tonight is my least favourite night of the year. I’ll be awake at 3am and it’ll take me a week to adjust. Why do we persist with it? Why not just stay on bst?
Doesn't bother me a jot that we do it. Not that I live in Scotland but I have spent a week on business in Oslo and being half way to lunchtime before it even got light is a miserable start to the day.
I'm on a night shift at minute, and 12hrs is long enough but having to do a 13hr one is a real pain in the arse
Indeed that I believe was the original reason in the First World War for changing the clocks, more natural light less coal required etc... surely now there is no need however
Those flippin' Scots. First they want home rule, then they want our oil, then they want to close the nuclear sub base..... now they want more daylight. There's many a mickle makes a muckle if you ask me.