Not the point really. The vast majority of deaths due to alcohol are self inflicted. No-one goes out and pours lethal amounts of alcohol down the necks of 59 people. Guns aren't necessary. Especially assault rifles, it's madness.
By the way The definition of "third world" (not mine) is; the underdeveloped nations of the world, especially those with widespread poverty. or the group of developing nations, especially of Asia and Africa, that do not align themselves with the policies of either the U.S. or the former Soviet Union. or the minority groups within a nation or predominant culture Not sure how you shoehorn the USA in there. Good luck with that.
Whilst I am not taking issue, in the USA twice as many gun related deaths involve suicide than homicide.
There was an excellent debate on the subject of gun laws and ownership on the radio today. Sadly work got in the way a little and I didn't hear it all but there were some really good views expressed. One caller mentioned the 'infamous' second amendment and that owning an AK-47 was not in the thoughts of the American forefathers when the bill of rights was drafted. They were absolutely spot on in that respect. I don't agree with the argument that owning a gun makes you safer, I believe it is a flawed and hollow argument. If nobody had a gun then nobody would need a gun. It was also claimed that there are an estimated 300 million guns in the USA and that approximately half of them are owned by approximately 5% of the population. Oh and apparently it is easier to buy an AK-47 in Nevada than it is to buy a Kinder egg where they are banned (apparently). The gun laws are mental, proper mental, and they need to be reviewed urgently and decisively but it is not correct to assume it is all Americans who own a gun or would kill with one. Personally I think the powerful gun lobby represent the minority of Americans (a sizeable minority maybe) but no President to date has been able to change a thing. I don't see it happening any time soon either.
The gun situation will never be resolved in America, there are simply too many already in circulation. No point even talking about it, America can simply exist as a cautionary tale to the rest of the world.
But that number would be considerably less if the people of Barnsley had guns so they could shoot back. Maybe America really is a third world country disguised as a first world one.
When will the gun licensing madness end in the States.? Eight innocent worshippers in a Church in Sutherland Springs Texas slaughtered by a lone gunman. He was shot dead by law enforcement officers. The motive for the killings has not yet been established.
From Trump to Brexit the victims of neoliberalism have bitten back. Understandable given how marginalised they have been but ultimately very dangerous.