Barnsley Council have today agreed to hold a referendum at a cost of £120k to determine whether residents want to be part of a Government backed Sheffield City region or a proposed Yorkshire wide deal. My opinion on matters of this nature like Leeds, Sheffield will dominate any proceedings usually to the detriment of any partners. What are Board members initial views on the proposal.?
In a Yorkshire wide deal Leeds and York will be top dogs followed closely by Bradford and maybe Huddersfield. In a South Yorkshire deal it will be Sheffield and err....... Whatever Steve Houghton goes for I would be inclined to go for the other.
It ought to have to come out of Steve Houghton's own pocket. Listened to him trying to justify binning the Sheffield City region deal (no fan of Sheffield City region myself btw) - and it just didn't stack up - not sure what his real motivations are. North Yorks simply not interested. Astounded though that we all fall for pitting one area of the country against the other - now Manchester and W Mids are up and running though we're just playing catch up in an obscene game.
I'm in favour of a full Yorkshire deal. Sheffield are only looking out for themselves, as they did when they pushed for HS2 to serve Sheffield city centre instead of Meadowhall which would have been to the benefit of the entire region. Consequently HS2 is missing us out altogether. A Yorkshire deal would counterbalance Sheffield with Leeds/Bradford, and with Barnsley in the middle we could really benefit.
Glad we are going to get a say in this. Hopefully both sides of debate will be sincere and honest so to allow us to make a reasoned choice based on what we believe will serve us best. As for cost, well of course a refererendum will cost money but why can’t Central Govt cover this cost?
Only if Yorkshire can have independence from the UK. Honest and sincere debate doesn't win referendums though. Expect lies, accusations and jingoistic nonsense.
Because they want us to become a small town in Sheffield. And they're frightened One Yorkshire would be the new Catalonia.
Yorkshire Region would get my vote. You’ve only to look at Radio Sheffield to see that Barnsley already get a raw deal from a Sheffield based regional establishment
you only get a referendum when they are sure they will win (like the EU one right, LMAO) when they don`t get the result they want one of two things happens, 1.they have another one 2.the ignore they result
It's all a waste of money. Amazing how the money tree has started spurting after Theresa said there wasn't one!
It's all crap. Just a sop to the English in case the Scots got independence. Makes no sense to me, all these countries breaking down into smaller regions (Spain being a good example) when it took hundreds of years to bring them together. Will it all end in the recreation of of the old Kingdoms of Northumbria, Anglia and Mercia etc? Can anybody honestly believe that would be better? Don't get me wrong, I hate the domination of the country by London and the South East but all this does is cement that imbalance in place - London and the South East will still be more prosperous and dominant. Anybody who thinks that Barnsley will benefit from either outcome is sadly deluded. Bring back the West Riding...... (joke)
Yorkshire Region would win hands down. We all pay for the Supertram which is of no benefit to Barnsley. Sheffield would cream off the largest proportion as would Leeds in a Leeds region. Yorkshire Region ought to benefit the whole county but I wouldn't hold my breath either way. As an aside,. I read somewhere that the Yorkshire economy is larger than 11 of the EU member states so maybe we could go it alone at some stage in the future?
They can find vast amounts of money when they want ...strange that money can't be spent on helping the homeless or other charities ....Cudworth residents been told no Christmas lights in village this year due to costs .guess the budget for lights are going to contribute and subsidise this bill of old boll##ks
Bit harsh to say we get a raw deal. We have a radio station there that's available six days a week for our fans to ring in and talk about our club. Does Dearne FM? Lots of Radio Sheffield bashing the other day for having Chris Wilder on for an hour and yet I haven't seen one post praising the station for doing the same for Hecky one night next week. When did Dearne last have an hour with our head coach?
Brexit is a blip on the multi-millennial path of societal evolution to a continental wide governance. It hasn't stopped it, just delayed it by at worst a couple of generations. Catalonia and Scotland independence are slightly different in that both regions still want to remain part of the EU but devolved from their current national governments. 2,000 years ago the UK was 20+ tribes, then 4 countries (5 if you included Ireland at the time), then 1. It will soon be a part of Europe in the same way as Yorkshire or Lancashire are part of the UK.