Whooooosh !!! There it goes straight over yer head. And also over the heads of a few more that's stood next to you. Lol !!!
YN, I've replied to the same issues raised in this post already, you haven't changed the discussion so I'm not going into it again.
PH said on Radio Sheffield that he had spoken to Chien Lee at Oakwell, albeit briefly. What more do you want?
Honestly don't know. ...but I do have a professional footballer in the family and I can't believe the amount of "fake news" that managers, owners and players tell the press for an easy life.
Yes - true - but they only said hello. Under the circumstances of having nearly a full squad of players to find and the manager being hot property - then one would assume the potential new owners would have had an input so at the end of the day they had acquired a good business to build on.
We've spoke about potential buyers not wanting to invest prior to exchange of contracts but why would PC want someone to meddle if they could pull out? It simply doesn't happen in business, YN. They're PC's shares and controlling stake until the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed.
Why oh why oh why would Chien Lee put money into the club before he's bought it??? If the deal falls through he's thrown away millions. If the position of the club causes him a concern as the deal nears completion he pulls out. He'd have to be a moron to throw millions at protecting an investment he hasn't yet made.
They wouldn't invest until they've exchanged contracts to purchase the shares. Your point is completely nonsensical.
So if you were put in this position - that it looked certain that you were to acquire a business - that you wouldn't have made sure that business was in a healthy state by the time you took it over?
Yes, I would have already instructed forensic accountants and lawyers to carry out due diligence. That's exactly how it works, YN.
Misters talking here Stahlrost - I think tha needs to stand int daft corner with the other duffers like Tatty.
Stop talking sense man... To be fair, I think the proposed takeover would have hurt the clubs ability to recruit in the short term, if anything. It's standard business practice to try and limit any large, long term liabilities when a takeover or buyout is being discussed. So the recruitment team may have been told they can only sign players to contracts of a modest value....