No, you’ve made a baseless accusation; it’s your responsibility to provide evidence. Even if your inane drivel were true (aside; it isn’t) where’s the ‘irony’ in me posting a light-hearted remark about the cost of Brexit?? It’s not ironic, you could find that out in a dictionary. Read it.
Mugabe is out now, so maybe his replacement or Lukashenko in Belarus would be the key to some good markets. We are historically quite good at getting deals with dictators and the like.
Whatever occurs the Brexit lovers need to accept there will be no free trade deal with America. We had the best free trade deal possible and decided we would prefer to have blue passports and stop Africans coming in. Shoutout to the bloke from town that C4 interviewed, I believe he posts on here under the name Dandanbarnsleyman.
Wouldn't be so bad, but apparently we could always have had free passports - its just the government chose not to.
Anyone who was in the country watching tbe mainstream news channels could be in no doubt of their allegiances. Post election May needs a chief of staff where does she go to Gibb political editor at the BBC. Then you have the lovely Nick Robinson long time Conservative activist. happy to share the spotlight with Britain First. We then move on to Laura got reprimanded for basically doctoring an interview with Corbyn BBC responds by repromoting the interview that breached standards. The airtime they give failed politician line Farage is also illuminating. Studies show the language used by the BBC is predominantly positive when mentioning the Govt and predominantly negative when mentioning Corbyn. The UN condemns the Govts treatment of disabled people saying they have created a humanitarian crisis. This is buried. A pretty eminent report indicates a link between austerity policies and a 120000 deaths. They bury this on the advice of a right wing think tank. It is fair enough for the BBC to reflect the establishment as it always did. It has moved beyond this to being little more than a mouthpiece for the Conservative party. It is time for the public to stop funding it if they cannot be impartial. Sky News is more impartial and they are part of the Murdoch empire. Time to get shut.
More than happy as long I those that stump up get 100% of the enormous benefits coming our way too. Can I buy more shares for my kids futures as well please.
That would have been funny if you'd said bendy bannana but given that it is EU directive 2257/94 which says that that bananas in general should be “free from malformation or abnormal curvature” But like most things about the EU and brexit you've got it the wrong way round again.
It would certainly ease the pressure on housing, NHS and other public services if us leavers payed 3K each for Brexit. Obviously all the remainers will have to move to one of the EU countries though.. Just think, all that room and nobody to remoan haha..
It was a piss take of idiots who believe such rubbish. In terms of Brexit I pretty much don’t care either way though you wibble brigade make me laugh.