I disagree. I can see what he’s had to deal with and the fact that he’s suffering because of the decisions of others.
Any other manager would have walked by now. Hecky is a red through and through, and it's this reason alone he's not giving up on us despite the unnecessary constraints placed upon him.
The question needs to be asked, what have we been doing differently since the result at Norwich made it 4 matches unbeaten. Is it coincidence that we have lost 4 matches on the trot since all the Sunderland speculation? Is Hecky getting too carried away with all the hype about him and doing too much tinkering? Making 4 or 5 changes every game is something that we hitherto hadn't been doing. One thing's for sure, until 2 weeks ago, he was getting more good results than bad out of these players. We can look for answers without necessarily questioning Hecky's position.
This is a good point. We ought to be able to healthily disagree about team selection and tactics, without demanding drastic solutions such as sackings etc. just because the coach doesn't agree with us and because the results aren't wonderful.
Do you think there's a lack of cooperation between the "board" and Hecky? Is Hecky now doing a little "undermining" as a result? Would you blame him for adopting a pissed off attitude having been told his best players WILL leave. As a human being how do you react or does your professional pride stand firm?
Naieve mindset in my opinion. We absolutely MUST do whatever we can to stay a Championship club. In the drop zone after 6+ defeats on the spin, that has got to trigger the panic button.
Clearly the club feel otherwise. Or Roberts Scowen and Watkins would still be here and we would have brought in some experience. It would seem those in charge DON'T think we MUST do all we can.
Sacking managers only works in the short term for us. It's about time we stuck with someone. Majority of us would have liked to see the back of the dwarf, but the club held firm and we eventually got the best of both worlds - him gone and us getting promoted and paid for his services. I'm not suggesting keeping Hecky will lead us in the prem anytime soon, or that we won't get relegated, but I can't see how anyone else would do things any differently all considered.
Given how many players we lost & that we recruited a large group of players with barely any championship experience where did you expect us to be at this stage of the season? What’s the issue with his tactics? He’s tried 4-4-2 & 4-5-1. Every single senior pro in the squad has had a chance to prove themselves with the exception of Mallan. The only ones to impress, Lindsay, Jackson, Williams, Barnes & Bradshaw have kept their places in the team