Biggest story of the day is arguably failure with brexit and bbc headline news is online grooming. Second news item is the Manchester bombings in May. 10minutes into the programme a weak brushing over of the shambles that is the brexit mess. Government trying to hide the truth by using the BBC to cover up the mess
Plus they are in Barnsley next week for "dimbleby time" ... no doubt theyll ship in a bunch of tories and a few anti left ukippers
Who's "we" ?? The Tories , UKIP? Why expect the eu neo liberals to do the 'little Englanders' a favour .. just look how they treat Greece..
We as in the uk. People voted for it. Just walk away. Although,I hate to remind people that pre referendum I said I t would lead to three things 1 wed have a Norwegian style pay no say deal.... pending 2 a resurgence of trouble in ireland ...... pending 3 a major conflict in.wrstern Europe . Let's hope I was inky right on the first two
Both Nick Robinson and Laura Kuennsberg were at it yesterday, barely concealing their pro Conservative bias. So much for impartiality, they're openly blatant with it now !
And here was me convinced that Theresa May was an Ugly sister. TBH she wouldna look out of place in any pantomime along with her shower of tory clowns at westminster.