Don't know if it was mentioned earlier in the week . In the Sunday Times 3/12/2017, Sports Section. There was a good article by Jonathan Northcroft about Football players fitness. It started off discussing the PL,then changed tack and wondered about the Championship. It then had a short interview with Nathan,explaining how it works at Barnsley. Basically we work on a individual player centred programme,based on data received from them and testing. It involves the players being trusted and given lots of rest days. It's a Holistic approach,similar to what you and I get from the BHS. One illuminating point he made was that the system works with them having 6 weeks pre-season with them. Sadly that didn't happen due to Transfer difficulties,which could explain the recent drop off in performance. Apparently the Sports Science department have won awards for their work,all credit to them.
Agree with this. I actually went to school with his older sister and he was really open and helpful last year with advising my son on A-Level study and future University choices, as he is looking at Physiotherapy, Sports Science as potential careers, although he really wants to do Medicine. I attended a Sports Medicine and Imaging study day at Old Trafford on 9th November, a great series of lectures, given by Steve McNally (Man Utd Team Doctor), Dr Ramon Canal (FC Barcelona Chief Medical Officer) and several others from University level in the UK and Europe. Dr Canal referenced a study done by Nathan, Craig Sedgwick (our physio) and others, and how this had influenced changes in their medical structure and the way the support their players. A ringing endorsement if it was needed. I never thought sports medicine was rocket science, but increasingly it isn't far off. Its influence on diagnosis, treatment and even recruitment is astonishing. We underestimate what we have at Barnsley in many ways. Our players are in good hands.
Things have changed a lot since the days of nothing but endurance trained players. Sport physiology was ignored for years by the football industry. Many teams did nothing but laps around the field and It was Venga who changed things at Arsenal when he took over and Ferguson and the rest of the PL were soon to follow. We think footballers have an easy time because they may only train for a few hour but intense training can for better words " exhaust" a players central nervous system and that's one of the reasons a players technique can let him down towards the end of a game.
Feel sorry for em might as well wrap em up in a f’ing blanket. Give em rope and they’ll hang the selves looks like they are if past 5 results are to go by