I must have had at least 15 today. 1 at home before I set off, 1 before kick-off, 1 at half-time, 1 at home after the match on the way to a curry house (had to call in as had run out of dosh), 1 on arrival at curry house, 2 more during meal, 1 just after paying bill, 1 on way home (in a quiet country lane) after dropping friend off, last one when I got in. That's since 1pm. That's proper bladder work that is.
We've all heard the phrase "what goes up, must come down". In my case it's "what goes in, must come out". Anyway, got to nip off, back in 2 shakes...
The pervert has posted the exact same thing on the ukmix forums, the giant bomb forums, social anxiety support forums, girls forum, collabaroo forums. All with slightly different and contradictory bits of information posted. Changing school year, changing stance on emergency, changing length of service as a teacher etc. Clearly a nonce who loves talking about kids toilet habits.