I could be more succinct. He was in a great band now he’s ***** and will say any old **** to flog Records.
Yeh hes not the only one like that His comments on UKIP leadership lately said it all.. I'm mates with Andy Rourkes daughter .. wonder what they make of how hes gone all "rightwing"
How dare he express views other than your own. Other than those currently permitted by the self appointed arbiters of political correctness. He is what he’s always been. Provocative, challenging and controversial, shunning the unrequited adoration of sometime sycophants such as Calderbank who sought to own and shape him as if their own. Long may he continue to offend the professionally offended amongst us.
Doesn’t offend me. He’s like someone’s pissed uncle at a wedding shouting about foreigners. New album is ok though inoffensive though a pale imitation of even his own best solo work. A parody wrapped inside a caricature.
He's the least offensive person in the universe - he's just incredibly dull. Much like the majority of his solo output.
He does offend me with his racist views along with anyone else who comes out with racist views Trump comes to mind as another and I hope you are not racist BarTyke.
I was always very indifferent of The Smiths as it attracted a certain crowd of people who considered themselves better then others and had a whiff of slum tourism about it. Since he started disappointing everyone I've liked him a whole lot more!