First 30 mins- Gardner & Potts to stroll around, Pearson to look completely out of his depth, Mamadou to hit the ball into Row Z about 10 times, Lindsay our 'ball playing CB' to misplace most of his passes. 30-45: Concede a soft set piece goal and quickly let in another from a Yiadom error. 45-60: Play with slightly more purpose 60-90: Bring Ugbo off the bench for him to barely touch the ball. Concede from a simple counter attack. Supporters from what I call the 'better fan than you brigade' to go online and try to take the morale high ground with anyone who dares to criticize the evident cluelessness of the tactics or bone-idleness of Brad Potts.
3-0 is a reasonable prediction based on our current form. Just a feeling we'll stop the rot & I'll go for a 1-1, but accepting that's less likely. Here's hoping we're both wrong!!
My prediction first pint in Donny around 8 with breakfast. In London for 10 and some expensive pints. Call and by some cans for the train journey home. A good day out with the lads. Hopefully we might not lose too.
If your prediction is true then I predict you will post another hecky out thread. The usual suspects will post blaming the board and last January will get brought up again. Hopefully we at least stop the rot.
Wish people would get real and support the players and staff. We are trying to compete in a Premier 2 with clubs with financial clout that we can only dream of! Money talks in football and in reality we are a club that most of the time has punched above our weight, look at Rotherham, Donny, Bradford etc, we have more than stacked up against these clubs over the last 30 years! We are trying to find a way to somehow compete at this level by trying out up and coming players, some who won't work and some who will. Yes we may have pulled in some decent money in transfers over the last year or so but if you started to raise the budget to higher levels of the Championship we would run out of cash in less than a season. We should get real and give Hecky and the boys encouragement! I witnessed this club playing 4th division football and I would prefer to see us trying to continue to have a go at this level. COYR!
Why would you call fellow supporters "the better fan than you brigade" because they disagree with you on something? It's as if you're getting your retaliation in first because you're expecting the worst on Saturday and know you're going to have a vent along exactly the same lines at the weekend. No one's under any illusions that things are great, and most of us hopeful rather than expectant for Saturday, but a post like this is just needless. If we're going to comment on how well or badly players perform, let's keep it to hindsight eh? Owt else is a waste of energy.
In four games, we've gone from a goal difference of zero to minus ten. Come Saturday night we will have 23 points and a GD of minus nine.
really grinds my gears when certain supporters try and dicate how others act. It's the online version of the guy in the stands shouting 'get behind your team'. Annoying as hell, especially when they don't attend half the games. What some people don't understand is that myself and others express frustration through booing etc because we care so much and we are genuinely hurt. Sick off supporters been made to look like villians after a few boos or jeers
This post isn't about being hurt. If you posted on a Saturday evening after an abject performance then yeah, I could understand, but late on a Thursday evening, about something that might happen? Not buying it. Just because other people don't boo or jeer it doesn't mean they feel any less disappointed with events, or that they don't go to half as many games as you do. I just hope you have to eat your words on Saturday. That's nowt personal, but it'll mean we've won and stopped the rot.
Supporter - booing and jeering his own team? Surely that's a contradiction. Doesn't support mean the opposite?
Have you ever been involved in a team sport you don’t sound like a team player very judgemental and shallow in the knowledge of what it takes to build a team and pull it all together
If you boo your own team you’re a giant man child who can’t take things not going his own way. Grow up.