I was shocked at how bad it was, but even more shocked that it has positive reviews. It was cringeworthy stuff.
I saw it last weekend and actually thought that it was pretty good! OK, there was one truly cringeworthy scene: Spoiler Leia floating through space like Mary Poppins and one somewhat unnecessary sub-plot: Spoiler the whole casino city thing with the master codebreaker and the horse chase scene etc. but apart from those I thought that "The Last Jedi" was quite an enjoyable film. While "The Force Awakens" borrowed a bit too much from the old trilogy, I thought that TLJ found a good balance with the old and the new.
I can't explain it, but Star Wars has never excited me in the slightest. And it's all the more baffling because I happen to read,watch and appreciate loads of sci-fi. I quite like this description of it though (apologies in advance for the language).
I was worried that your spoilers were gonna show up! Hence why the edit! It wasn't the best movie so far - and I agree with your spoilers 100%. Vive la Finlandia!!!
I’ve been to see it twice already, love it. But then I’m more of a Star Wars fan than the average person so. I’ll admit though, it’s not a patch on episodes 4 to 6.
I enjoyed it. I like long films but there were a couple of things that just felt like they were using up some spare cash. I thought it was better than the force Awakens and the prequel trilogy. Obviously can't hold a candle to the originals, and Rogue one is just a great film whether you like star wars or not.
The Princess Leia scene didn't sit right with me too, although I did once read a star wars book, one of these ones part of the extended universe. It's set after Revenge of the Sith, and Darth Vader does something similar in order to cross from one ship to another. In that instance it seemed cool.
Obi Wan Kenobi used the force and ruined Luke Skywalker's Christmas by telling him what he is getting. He felt his presents........