Both are probably on more than we're willing to pay, so would need to be subsidised. Both are also 29.
My answer to both is exactly. Just what the new owners need to be looking at if they want to steer a championship ship next season & not sink down to League 1. Experience and more quality are absolutely essential. Like when we got Long, White & Hammill. I would seriously question their footballing sense if that's not what they are looking for between now and May. Long term plan must start after survival is ensured.
The age thing is ridiculous. If a player is good enough to improve our team and within our budget, we should be going for them. Sticking rigidly to this plan seems like stubborn stupidity to me. Maybe Hecky doesn't feel comfortable with older players? I dunno. . . but he's not pulling up any trees with young, impressionable ones is he? Who are they learning from?
I tend to agree, but I pointed it out purely for the fact that I can't see the club signing a player of that age.
The new owners won't know jack **** about players or football ...and they will only be interested in price of players and the financial gain to the club ....the decision will be made by management and so far that's worked well
It’s not always that they aren’t good enough. Some clubs just have a surplus of players in a particular position. Those are the ones to target (especially if their contracts are running down).
What a strange comment.......’the new owners won’t know jack **** about players or football’ Really????
Are you telling me that business people of this calibre spend £20 million pounds without knowing " Jack S..t " about the product , absolute tosh , if they do not know about something , they will pay for the expertise , trust me, they will have done their research & planning
I don’t think it’s a case of Bjarnason not being good enough as such as Lansbury has also found himself as a substitute, often an unused one at that, so far this season due to the depth and class that Villa have in their midfield.