What a distasteful individual. The sooner this shower are out, the better.
Yeah let's keep throwing billions at something that's wonderfully immersed in its own self importance . The NHS is poorly run and poorly administered. It's an immovable institution that we all need therefore it will never reform.
So let Virgin run it, with no guarantees of things improving, and make profits they don’t even get taxed for.Some folk have morals lower than a snakes belly. The quicker we get Corbyn in and get shut of the parasitic profiteering Frpm Virgin and the like the better. I really despair, cue the usual Tory defending brigade on here.
It certainly won't be reformed whilst Tory supporting parasites who base themselves offshore, can milk Billions of profit.
He’s an evil lovely person not a word I use but none other sums him up. I actively hate him. People vote for them they deserve what they get.
Unfortunately reform is impossible the Unions will make sure of that . The NHS is an amazing institutuon that costs us 400 million each day . A little efficiency wouldn't go a miss .
I don’t vote for them and don’t deserve them, however I get that if ordinary folk didn’t vote for them they simply wouldn’t get anywhere near Downing Street.
FFS stop blaming anything and anybody on the so-called NHS inefficiencies accept on those who should be blamed the faking Govt.
Not only Tory parasites. Don't want to piss on your stawbs but there's a few Labour boys on the off shore cruise ship . But hey don't drop the red tinted specs .
Nothing to do with rose-tinted specs New Labour let the NHS down. It’s this Govt. that are giving these contracts out to their friends. We have a lovely person of a Health Minister, but you crack on and blame the Unions.
Which govt this one or the last cos there ain't no difference. I've used the NHS intensively throughout both Labour and conservative governments and there simply isn' t owt to choose . It' just the same .
Absolute toss, there is a marked difference, waiting times , queuing in corridors, almost every news bulletin contains about crisis hitting new lows and at breaking point
You need to stop dreaming and enter the real world. The NHS Is both wonderful and **** at the same time . Just the same as it as always been . I've been on the corridors and yes it's crap but guess who was in gov't at the time.
Thin end of the wedge unless we get rid quickly, I'm afraid Orsen:- I used to work briefly with Prof Pollock around the time PFI was introduced in the NHS by Brian Mawhinney. She saw then how costly that would be and so has a good track record. Noted 'thickos' like Stephen Hawking are supporting her action on ACOs. An ACO is being set up in South Yorkshire right now as we speak - I wonder how many people are aware of that? One of many sneaky moves to destabilise and cripple the NHS so it will be ripe for giveaway to private vultures. I wonder also how many people are aware of the Tories' changes to the NHS funding formula over the last five years which is taking many billions of pounds away from South Yorkshire and similar (Labour) northern urban/ex-industrial areas and putting it into (Tory) Thames Valley, leafy Cheshire and the like? I wonder how many people know that, having desperately underfunded hospitals for years, the Tory government is then shamelessly making a profit from the hardship they've created by charging 1% above the base rate on loans to hospitals that the latter are forced to take out in order to be able to continue to pay wages and bills. I could go on and on with examples. They are truly just cnuts and won't stop until they've irreparably ****** our NHS.
Who’s dreaming, the real world might be selling off the NHS to some but it’s upto us to stop it it. If your’re saying the crisis in the NHS is no worse than now than it was say 7 or 8 years ago, then it’s you that needs to get into the real world and get back to discussing The immorality of a lovely person of a health Minister who is part of a shambles of aGovt, dishing out billions of pounds of NHS contracts to their friends. Who’s Parent companies are based in Tax havens. but you crack on about it beings Unions fault and such.
We need private hospitals to ease the burdon on the nhs. If i were to be referred to a new 'virgin' hospital i would still be a NHS patient: it will still be free at point of use. This is nothing new either, far from it. We have been using private mental hospitals for NHS patients for donkeys years. Indeed around 50% if not more of all our mental health inpatients are nursed in private mental hospitals. There are probably around 0.2% of privately paid mental health patients in private mental hospitals. We as tax-NI payers pay for NHS patients in private mental hospitals because we don't have enough nhs mental hospitals. It doesn't cost any more in private either. The only difference is that someone makes a profit from it.