You use this website. Just open a new browser tab, and do a little research. It won’t take long and provides you with the vital information you require. Or just look out on the street the night before.
To be fair it's a 10 second job to find your bin rota and there's also a pdf you can save and/or print off. I understand why printing off and posting out thousands of these things, is a waste of money.
Watch what bin thi neighbours put out and go with the majority , they can't all be wrong, hope this helps, sithi.
I hope so. Have to say (and I know I'm a saddo) that leaflet is one of the best public service information leaflets I've ever seen. Easy to understand, colour coded, and brilliantly concise. Lady Kaht says we must all be bored potless if we're on here talking about bin leaflets on a matchday. Roll on the January window!
I would believe it. However I would imagine they are people who don't use a computer or the Internet.
More important put the right waste in the right bin or it won't be collected and when it's removed you will need to pay £20 for a new one
How did people find out about there being no leaflet? Did the council send a letter? In which case it would be easier sending the leaflet.
We just go on to the council web site and print one off .... staying on the subject of cost cutting and loosing services ( NOT HAVING A DIG AT OP ) If all this energy to high light loss of waste collection calender and council cutbacks we keep hearing about was collectively gathered together as one voice and then put to better use being vocal ....and then aimed at the real perbitraitors ....who are causing bigger picture problems ....we wouldnt be in danger of loosing the N H S never mind local services but i guess its nothing to do with the Tory party and their austerity policy that are causing the problems
Not sure a couple of my neighbours both in their late 80s will be doing that. I guess now they are stopping the service that helps them put the bins out it won’t matter anyway!