...... No meat in our house ....Muggles....... You can't beat a nut roast..... Join us vegans .....if only for a month Give it a try ... you'd be amazed .
I’ve got a young family and we make sure we have a Sunday dinner every Sunday without fail, it’s an important family thing. tunes on - disco dinner. Favourite meat - tough one.....anything as long as it’s slow cooked and on the bone. Probably go for beef
I really want to have a crack at veganism. I'm veggie and won't ever touch meat again. I had planned to do Veganuary, but the person I was hoping would do it with me - we had planned to support each other - let me down. Just need to get over the hump of my own laziness, and I'll be fine. By that, I mean I can't just grab a bog-standard spicy veg pizza when I am feeling lazy. You have to be way more prepared than that. Kudos to you. My ex's best mate is vegan, and I have a huge amount of respect for her. She's one of the most focused and inspiring people I have ever met.
BAKA If you want any info on veganism drop me a PM with your email and I will send you some links any questions ask freely happy to help
Sorry never said mine, and nice big Gammon with cracking, and also pigs in blankets (there not just for xmas is our house) Anyway I hoped you enjoyed the thread (a change of direction)