I’m not in favour of a 2nd ref but that’s clearly a bit daft. We had a ref to join the EU should we not have had another one because it would mark the end of democracy.
I think Farage has come to realise that leaving the EU is the daftest thing to happen to a country ever, unfortunately he'll never convince the far right wing of the Conservative party and the party that now run our country the DUP .
I always thought part of being a democratic country you could change at any time anything and every thing by a vote
So you are saying , its all right to overturn a democratic vote which had a clear majority , but when I say that would signal the end of democracy , you say thats daft , well what is it then ?
There won't be another referendum.. These right wing kents like farage and bj are the biggest bs'ers in business .. can't believe some working class people can get led on by such like
I rarely venture into politics, but we had a referendum on EU membership in 1975 in which we voted to go in by a huge majority. Therefore, by your logic, the referendum to leave in 2016 was not democratic, because we'd already voted in 1975 to go in. I know that's not what you mean, but surely ANY referendum where we the public have the opportunity to vote on something is by definition democratic? Denying us the right to vote is undemocratic, not allowing us to vote. I wonder why those who voted leave are against a second referendum. Mmmmmmm, let me think........ Oooops: Just noticed Jimmy Cricket has made the same point. What a senseless waste of a keyboard, sorry Jimmy.
I just think the government need to set out what brexit actually means... We still don't know and neither do they which is very worrying 18 months down the line. I'd be up for another referendum if the government could sort a deal out to put to the voters and say this is what you get if we leave and if we remain its this... As it is were going into a massive deal for the British voters with no idea and a chance of no deal at the end of it and that just isn't good enough.
most folk probably don't want to know ..I'm sick of hearing about it tbf ... while cuts are going on nar
Vast majority of people voting leave were voting for change they didn’t realise the extent of “leave” - me included but end of day this is where we are as a country and to overturn the decision would do more damage than good IMO...
I’m saying democracy is not a static thing if you freeze your body politic in a moment you actually abandon democracy and embrace totalitarianism. Referenda are a pretty stupid way to decide anything. In a parliamentary democracy you elect MPs to represent you referenda are blunt. If you have them they need to be based on a Super majority given the importance of what you are deciding.
I would imagine the amount of people who have turned 18 in the past 18 months would swing the decision in remain's favour, especially as it was such a small difference between the two outcomes in the first place.
So you keep on having referendum after referendum after referendum ? No, you new when you voted , it was a democratic vote & the result would stand, the mere fact that people want to overturn that vote is un democratic
I agree JC. He doesn't really want a second referendum, well not because he's changed his views on the EU at least but because he also believes the margin of victory would be even higher and would effectively silence the remain vote. I'm not sure that a second, third or fourth referendum would be enough to silence the likes of James O'Brien however.
No it's not, because if it was overturned then clearly people's opinions have shifted. If people felt the same way, then you could hold a vote every 5 minutes and you'd get the same outcome every time. Just deciding to overturn it without a second vote would be undemocratic, letting people vote again isn't, whether the result changed or not.
The Government have not outlined the possible consequences of Brexit, simply because they haven't got a Scooby as to what is likely to be. For democracy to have any creditability, there cannot be a second referendum. The only way the leave vote could be overturned would be as a result of political intervention i.e cancellation of the letter invoking Article 50 as recommended by Caroline Lucas ( Green Party) getting a majority in the House of Commons, rubber stamped by the Lords. The unknown factor in all of this of course is what would the reaction of the electorate be. In my personal opinion, were a second vote be taken, because we don't know the full ramifications of our withdrawal from the EU , the majority would probably still vote to leave.
Thats me done on this topic, I let my guard slip tonight as I always avoid political debate & judging by whats been said on here , proves I was wrong to get involved , it is obvious to me that people who want to over turn a democratic vote only believe in democracy when it suits , over the years I have voted in a democratic poll & accepted the result whether I liked it or not because that is Democracy, Now back to football matters for me