Good Friday again. Digweed, Guy J, yours truly and a mate of mine from America are playing at Mint Club.
Shackell wasn't box office? He was one of the best centre halves in the division at the time and we paid him a fortune in wages just so he'd turn down the Donny contract he was offered. No surprise he didn't stay long.
Wow - so your “source” divulges the wages of all the players in the squad? I thought employees wages were covered by the data protection act... Breaching the DPA can give rise to serious consequences. There are various remedies available to people, including your workers’ and ex-workers’, if they want to complain about the way their data is or has been processed. They should first raise the issue and if the matter is not resolved they can complain to the ICO which has considerable powers to investigate and sanction employers including by fines of up to £500,000. The ICO’s powers include the search of premises, ordering the rectification or destruction of inaccurate data and issuing information and enforcement notices. Alternatively an employee could go to Court and claim compensation for damages or distress caused by data protection breaches. Certain breaches of the DPA can also give rise to criminal offences which the ICO can prosecute.
Well you seem to be suggesting Hammill wasn’t the highest paid player in the squad. So assume you have details of all players wages and bonus structure or an employee has passed than information on to you?
Adam Hammill was not the highest paid player in the squad. We didn’t break the wage structure to sign him.
I just asked if he was privy to know the wages of all the players. And my previous post was that his “source” should be careful about divulging the details of players contracts. At best likely breaching non disclosure agreements, at worst potentially opening the club up to a breach of failing to safeguard personal data.
Fair point. Interestingly, I'd hazard a guess that this info alone would round down the number of people who could be "the source" to around 10 people. Player Manager Agent Board members Accounts Dept. So, probably someone in Accounts is a blabber mouth...
Was reading a couple of villa forums when Bree and Hourihane were signing for them. Had some interesting links and it suggested majority of leaks come from admin support staff who work within the legal or marketing department or medical support (hence why a lot of ITK say confidently “he’s had his medical”). When it comes to passing on personal data - that steps it up a whole level to the club then legally being responsible for finding out if there even is a breach of personal data. Was just a friendly bit of advice to be careful about what is posted on an open Internet forum.
My job revolves around anti money laundering, financial crime, CFT and the DPA... Whenever anyone mentions any of those my arse gets all twitchy!
None of them told me that the club didn’t break the wage structure for Adam Hammill and that he wasn’t even the highest paid player.
Think this is my favourite ever thread: Come on Chris.... will you now admit perhaps signing a couple of proven players will help our whole squad. Even you, in the above, admitted what an amazing effect signing Hammill had. So why you’re calling a number of us “clueless” for suggesting similar would be helpful here, alongside any of the punts we may take, you may care to remember the effect Adam had on you.