Jesus Christ.....what a massive over kill on this, alright he’s made one or two of the cuff comments but he’s hardly been to boozer on a Sunday aft and come back and knocked his Mrs about cos she’s burnt puddings!!! What a load of ****** that what it’s come to? Surely there’s more interesting stuff that the general public need to know other than this load of *****!
Completely agree. It should be a complete non story. I hope I never become famous because I am sure if anyone trawled all my message board commentsover the last 20 years and tweets and private emails and texts they could find much worse. Usually made tongue in cheek but that doesn’t come over well In print. Same as for just about anyone else who ever posted anything online
Thought the same. Just a joke being twisted by the politically correct. What a sterile world we live in. Pathetic.
Just for if I ever become famous I hate black people. Women are only good for sex And gays should be burnt at the stake
Given that the last bloke was forced out after a smear campaign I think it's pretty much par for the course. You've got to be whiter than white now, though that expression would probably get you in trouble.
It’s just time that the sort of views expressed by Neville in his tweets were not tolerated. It’s not a storm in a tea cup but he’s realised his mistakes from the past and has distanced himself from them. That’s not the reason I think he is totally unfit to get the job and it’s an appalling appointment once again by the FA. It’s just laughable and entirely consistent with the sheer arrogance of the ex-Manchester United cabal.
Does anyone genuinely care about women's football beyond the BBC? Most of what I've watched has been of a dreadful standard. Might as well just televise the Unibond.
Without wishing to belittle the issue of some people still genuinely holding unpleasant and bigoted views, it seems that some people are very quick to castigate others without for a second considering the tone, context, nuances. I'm sure you could trawl through my Facebook comments and find "homophobic" conversations, without pausing to think that the whole thing is completely tongue in cheek, and that one or more of the participants in the are actually themselves gay.
Seems daft to me. With live in an age where people are perpetually offended. So when people are really offensive we ignore it because we are bored of minor stuff like this.
Harsh but true , although a lot of people do genuinely care about women's football , personally its pretty dire viewing .
The real issue is that he's been given a managers job he's clearly less qualified to do than many other female coaches.
Its not as bad as many things coming into the public realm of late, but I've managed to go my whole life without "joking" about beating up a woman. All things aside... good luck with team spirit starting off on that footing.
Talking of jesus christ, wasn't it him who said 'let he who is without sin, cast the first stone' ? There seems to be a lot of stone chuckers these days, for such an imperfect world.
Taking into account it has consistently been one of the fastest growing sports over the last ten years or so, I' say quite a few people care. A sport doesn' need to be a good tv spectacle to be important. You need to see beyond the fact that Mens football is obviously stronger, faster and more entertaining. You can knock the BBC for alot of things but if by televising a sport, it helps more people become active, then that' a good thing. If you don' want to watch it, turn over.
Seems like a issue for the professionally offended. People need to realise that just because you find something offensive it doesn't give you any rights. It was clearly a joke, admittedly not a very funny one but that's it. If a woman had made the comment good morning women I thought all the men were still in bed being lazy nobody would care, as they shouldn't its a total non story. The real story is howon earth did he get the job in the first place?