Just watching the news regarding trees being lopped down in Sheffield, people going crazy about a tree being cut down!! Why?? Haven’t these people got out else better to do?? Absolute buffoons if you ask me.....
That’s the spirit, if you care deeply enough about something and believe somethings wrong, shut the fek up.
Who’s said about cutting them all down?? What so do you think it’s right to act like a bellend cause à trees being cut down or pruned??
This is the whole argument isn’t it. Just because you clearly are on one side of it, I’ve seen it argued that most are not causing damage, but it’s a cheaper option than continued maintenance work.
If they are endangering the sewers, drainage and wall foundations they need to be removed. I am sure if cracks appeared in their houses in a few years time, they would be claiming off the council, in other words, the council tax payer, for their properties to be stabilised.
I would imagine that if I had a great big tree at the end of my drive and it's roots were undermining my foundations and branches blocking my light and threatening damage to my property and vehicles, I'd be helping the council to crack on with it.
Very few of the trees actually need cutting down, the BBC did an expose on one particularly controversial road...their highways expert concluded that one kerb stone needed resetting and the tree expert said one root needed cutting back....oupside a school where the trees had been planted almost 100 years ago in memory of each former pupil killed in WW1. It's another shameful example of Sheffield City Council's dodgy dealing....a PFI deal where the Council refuse to reveal the contract details to anyone, even Elected Members. https://www.hortweek.com/sheffield-...lling-operation/arboriculture/article/1417156
I can see both sides of the tree debate if due to funding cut backs the Council need to save the 50 grand they are saving and it’s a choice between having that 50 grand to say help homeless people or invest in schools then I’m sorry but the trees lose
Agree, but do you really think any council would spend 50k saved from trees on homeless folk? More likely be spent on new street furniture.
I have to say I don’t know the facts. A few years ago when I was still doing union repping I came into contact with quite a few of the Sheffield Councillors when trying to sort out redundancy redeployment etc. They seemed ok people under tremendous amount of pressure. They were struggling to meet statutory obligations even then.
If these trees are to be cut down because of an helth and safety issue then fare doe's but I would hope they would plant some more in a place that as no issue, remember a tree take's away the carbon dioxide spewed out of car exousts