Reducing the speed will only cause more accidents. I never see anyone on their phone doing 80mph, but at 50? Loads. Boredom kicks in. To the poster above stating that there’s extra ‘stress’ driving at 80 rather than 70, honestly you think that? I’d say that if you drive at 70 you’ll be constantly stressed as there’s lots of cars going faster & slower than you, constantly changing lanes & checking your mirrors. At 80 you’re going to be one of the faster drivers & won’t have people constantly trying to overtake you
You realise that if they let everyone drive at 80 then you will have people going faster than you again right?
According to my Uncle Ken, if you reverse past a speed camera, very fast, you get 3 points knocked off your license, and a cheque for £100. Hope it's true coz I tried it on Thursday, a few times, so am expecting -18 points and a cheque for £600 in the post next week. Very knowledgable bloke is 'ar Ken, good at pillocking folk too, but not me...
All that does is ramp up the speed of most cars thereby increasing stress for all. It's a sad fact the majority of road users (in cars and vans) want to drive as fast as they possibly can. Read my other post about other negative aspects of driving faster, ie the environment - the most important thing of all.
All motorway drivers should return to the left hand lane whenever possible and as soon as possible. Things like this could be simply addressed by making all drivers take an annual refresher test based on the Highway Code. The test could be tailored to address known issues, thereby bringing them to the attention of all motorists on a regular basis - when was the last time you looked at the Highway Code? I read recently that 80% of drivers don't know the regulations regarding Zebra Crossings.... Don't get me started. Oh bu**er I already got started.....
I'd sooner spend my time driving watching the road and other road users rather than constantly checking my speedo just in case I stray over the limit. That is why a small amount of leeway is needed but not necessarily used though.
I agree, on motorways I use my cruise control so I don't have to watch the clock. Many modern cars have a limiter which can be used in a similar way.
Hear ******* hear, with bells on. If I could like that post multiple times I would. My record is the limit changing on 10 consecutive gantries on the M42.
I actually agree that they can, when used properly, reduce congestion by reducing bunching. But I have seen so many utterly stupid uses of the limits I wonder whether the people in the control room have ever driven a car. The worst culprit is the M42, by some distance. As you say, limits reduced to at night when it is quiet because the exit is closed. Drives me nuts that if there are roadworks ahead they reduce the limit, on an empty motorway, for about 5 miles. What about the limit being different in different lanes at the same time. Thats a favourite of the M42 controllers. How the hell does that work - bloke is overtaking me and I am speeding but he isn't. Beggars belief.
That is to catch you out and make money. Used to be the same on the M42, changing constantly for no reason while the motorway was empty.
I did - and it didn't make sense - Why 70? Why not 65 - why not 80kmh - why not "as fast as a Billy Wizz." Why not 87mph If the speed limit doesn't make sense enforcing it is simply oppression and a protection racket rather than a a sensible option. You're right in that when they were invented all speed limits were simply made up. But there are some that make sense. 12 is the speed limit where pretty much no one gets hurt. 30 - as you will have seen in the infomercials is the speed above which car vs. person kills exponentially. 50/55 (or slightly less) is the speed where head on collisions start to kill rather than hurt 55 on motorways makes sense as all vehicles (cars and busses and trucks) can match that speed and eratic lane changing - which causes huge percentage of the few accidents on motorwyas - is easier to smooth out without hard breaking - it's also around the efficiency sweet spot for engines.- or used to be. 87 (90 on the clock less the innaccuracy) is the safe point on motorways as drivers drive and focus on the road rather than getting bored and distracted. No - I'm argueing keep it at 70 but only prosecute those driving like nutcases - which has kept our motorways amongst the safest in the world for 50 odd years. Or hard prosecute 90 - but with average speed cameras as well as the static ones. Or even set it at 55 and tell everyone its for environmental reasons as they did in the states in the 70's Anything that makes sense. Just don't piss up my back and tell me hard prosecuting 70 is for safety and not for revenue generation.
It’s pefectly safe to drive on an empty motorway at 80mph providing you’re obeying all the other laws of the road. Obviously it isn’t safe if you’re using a mobile phone (nor is it safe at any speed) but what has that got to do with enforcing 70mph speed limits 24 hours a day? The only reason for this change is to make money, it’s as simple as that. It’s not in the public interest to prosecute drivers going slightly above 70mph in the middle of the night when there’s nothing on the roads.
So you don't give a sh*t about the extra unnecessary pollution, global warming and your own finances? I stated quite clearly in my other post that safety wasn't the most important issue here.
I've just come through the ones on the M1 southbound down from Leeds. Did 70 all the way through. The biggest safety concern for me is the morons doing 90 in between the cameras and then jamming the brakes on for the cameras. I was once almost in an accident where the M1 goes onto the M621 going into Leeds City centre. A BMW came flying past me doing at least 100mph, just as the road drops to 50mph. I was doing 70, and gradually slowing down to 50. The BMW cut right in front of me, and then noticed a police traffic car parked in the bushes. He hit the brakes so hard that I had to do so too. I looked down, and we had dropped to 30mph.
The majority of speed changes on the smart motorways are set automatically by traffic loops under the road surface. Hence ‘Smart Motorway’ - The control room would normally only monitor for breakdowns and debris. If you've ended up driving through a sets of variable speed limits and then thought, that was pointless, there wasn't anything there. Then it's done it's job by varying the traffic flow to avoid congestion you were expecting. Was on a speed awareness course 2 weeks ago. 33 in a 30, Leeds city center as you go to join the M621. Van positioned in a bus lay by, between 2 sets of traffic lights. When the 1st set turn green, only a couple of cars will hit green on the 2nd set before it changes amber / red. People are naturally looking at the green on the second set more than looking at their speed. This is where I got caught out. Fair cop, but bloody annoying. The courses does make you think more about your speed. Travelling at 80pm rather than 70mph on the motorway is worth it. You may get there a couple of minutes quicker, but the risks of serious injury or death increases significantly. You also run the risk of being caught, which could impact on your ability to hold a license or even your job.