after final whistle. Squaring up to each other. He worked hardest on the pitch and some idiot has the nerve to enter the pitch and start mouthing off at him. Some “fans” ey
I could understand somebody having a go at cavare or thiam but hammill? No chance. Ran his ******** off
In that case make hammill captain. Did exactly right sticking up for Davies. Criticise his performances sure but to abuse him? No thanks
That's part of our problem. Ideally the skipper needs to be an outfield player who can if it's warranted gee his teammates up. With respect to Davies he doesn't come over as a vociferous motivator plus the way he's been performing of late could be tricky if he tried to give a colleague a rollicking. They would be quite in order to say " you're not exactly having a blinder yourself mate."! In my opinion he needs taking out of the firing line. His confidence seems to be shot. Hope we increase our offer for the lad Eastwood from Oxford next week. He surely can't do any worse.?