If I could like a post twice this would be it. Of course it's healthy to evaluate how any manager's progressing but Paul deserves considerably more time than some seem prepared to give him. Faced with our situation, many other 'bigger' Championship clubs would have probably gone through two or three managers these past twelve months. In a time of much instability on and off the pitch Hecky's been at times the one impressive constant in all the shifting sands and uncertainties around him. That some want him out of the club too is frankly difficult for me to fathom.
I'm currently imagining that I'm you. To make it realistic, I'm trying to demolish a garden shed using only my forehead. Don't try this at home. Unless you're Whitey of course.
WTF What you are saying there is players such as Hourihane were already established Championship players that slotted straight into a Championship team.
WTF you on Anybody with any sense can see what I’ve posted why cant you. WE GOT TO PLYOFF POSITION WITH ONLY TWO CHAMPIONSHIP EXPERIENCED PLAYERS , HAMMILL & WHITE . You were the only person mentioned Hourihane
I've read it about 300 times and I'm afraid I don't understand your point. It doesn't mean anything like what you claim it does. Well, not to me it doesn't.
You said this ..... ....... 'I don’t buy this lower league players need time this or that'. Do you not realise that most of the successful team from last January including Hourihane were LOWER LEAGUE players that had TIME playing in that team. Or have you slept since then and sort of forgotten???
Season after we were promoted to championship we reached the playoff position before Hourihane et al were sold with only two championship experienced players . After January that was a different matter , but your post inferred we couldn’t get anywhere without experienced champ players
Your either taking the p*** or as dB as foooook read your post then mine . It’s your post inferring we need champ players I’m pointing out we got to playoff pos in January with only the promoted team which included only two experienced champ players
Let's try again. When you say this ...... 'I don’t buy this lower league players need time this or that' That to me is saying this ........ that you don't believe lower league players need time to be brought up to speed and settle into a team. In other words - you believe lower league players should be able to hit the ground running. Now look at what you have written - and if that's NOT what you intended - then what you have written needs to be written differently.
That's just what I thought. No argument. Yer lost. And yer tag team pal Stahlrost showed again his true 'let's jump on a bandwagon' colours.