No it isn't. The bank foreclosed. You are really out of your depth on this. There were personal guarantees, yes. I trust you'd put your wife & kids on the street in order for you to sit in your seat at oakwell? Sorry, but you are really out of order mate.
This is bang on. It was ITV Digital and NatWest getting cold-feet and pulling the relatively small overdraft (think it was only £1m) that did us. I think even Dennis said at one of his evenings, if they’d have given the club 6 months to sort out, we’d have been fine going forward. NatWest had a lot to answer for back then.
I think the majority of fans will remember him for the premier league era and all that came with it. The only blot in his copybook will be appointing Hendrie as manager which I didn't agree with at the time but I completely understand why he decided to take that option.
I'd like to think John Dennis is appreciated and celebrated for what he achieved in helping to put Barnsley FC on the map on the late 90's more than the unsavoury end. I'm sure many mistakes were made and others on here will doubtless know more than me about the finer details of his tenure, but I'll remember the euphoria and feel good factor around Oakwell between 1996-2000. For most of that period it felt like we could take on anybody and for a young fan like myself at the time, it was pretty magical. PC will always be the saviour and rightly so, but JD contributed a lot to making Barnsley a club to be proud of before money took over and made life so difficult for modestly sized town clubs.
£250k. That we were not even in to when they pulled it. The board was doing all it could to cut costs and yes you’re right, just needed time.
Were they in control of ITV Digital going under? And then not getting money they were contractually entitled to? A yes or no will do
You’ve just implied wives and kids were gonna be put on street . Your right I don’t know all the details just the fact that we nearly lost our club for a piddling amount and as has been said there were alternatives . And forgive me if I can’t class the custodians at the time as heroes
They were in position to not rely on them holding the club to ransom . Just because monies waved in front of them doesn’t mean they have to spend it then face the devil after does it . That’s why Patrick wanted us to live in our means
These monies were our means! It’d be akin to Premier League clubs not planning to spend the TV money that they are contractually entitled to because Sky might go bust.