To pick up:- Dragon Tyke Hykehamtyke SirPyschoSexy Young Nudger Ted KingBenny92 Can you all please form a disorderly queue and your Warden will give you directions when you get buckled in you set of barmy bast4rds.
LOLOLOLOLOL! Got to get knarsmuller over the line, key signing for me, our midfield couldnt create noise in a library at present.
If the club has ordered it, it’ll get halfway here then turn around and go back to where it came from.
To be honest reading some posts on here I have no idea how they get along with day to day existence. This is a transfer window in a game of football, of which we have absolutely no control. there’s no need to get so melodramatic!
It'll be like a modern day version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, with a bit of Fraggle Rock thrown in for good measure.