So the Mail (sorry) is carrying this story Wonder what his motivation is - It cant seriously be to improve road safety as forcing drivers to always watch their speedometer - or even worse use cruise control in built up areas is hardly going to make roads safer I've noticed Motorway speeds have fallen dramatically over the last 10 years or so due to there being cameras everywhere but it hasnt reduced accidents on them I generally try to stick to limits especially in built up areas - 30 and 40 but there is an increasing use of inappropriate limits on rural and motorways where safety has nothing to do with it. I also have a huge problem with the increasing reliance on automated systems to crack down on speeding and removing police from actual road policing to catch the drivers who are far more likely to cause accidents eg using phones, over the limit, tailgating etc etc
Virtue signalling at easy targets. Is 71 mph deadlier than 70 ? Look, speeding's an offence, unlawful, I think all reasonable folk get it. What grates is this particular officers' zeal against speeding, but unless I've missed it he doesn't seem as taken with being so zero tolerance on other crimes ?
Personally I think it would be better to remove the tolerance but at the same time tweak all speed limits upwards a bit. For example, make it 80 on a motorway, but then introduce life imprisonment for anyone caught doing 81mph. At least everyone would then know where they stand.
I have no problem with dining speeders but to not give ANY tolerance is absolutely stupid and can only make the roads more dangerous as like you said it will force people to stare at the Speedo rather than the road. Motivation is money clearly.if it is safety then I'm sorry but that man is incompetent to do the job he is in
At this rate it's not going to be worth me keeping my Ferrari and Porsche, I'll just stick to going everywhere in the Reliant Robin
If the government were serious about reducing accidents they would pass a law that all new cars are manufactured with an inbuilt sat nav and a speed limiter linked to the speed of the road its on. Not rocket science, but it's easier to criminalise and fine the population than it is to take on the car industry and spoil one of their main selling points.
Or the answer is to follow Gordon Ramsay who admitted that he takes his fleet of supercars out on the road, one at a time obviously, during the night so that he can drive at obscene speeds on American freeways. He reckons he has less chance of being picked up by highway patrols and, to fool the cameras, he puts clingfilm on his number plates which, apparently, prevents them being read. I wonder how long it will be before he kills himself, or someone else.
If they wanted to make roads safer they would do a hell of a lot more to educate children (and indeed adults) about the dangers of the roads. We were all told in school that they're dangerous but we weren't really told with any great force. If they were serious there would be a speed camera outside every school surely. Speed bumps which are ridiculously dangerous at times would be removed And they would do something about the crazy situation where lorries block the inside lane on motorways causing people to cut them up just to exit
Any idea what percentage of those involve a pedestrian in some way? Either the death itself or simply a contributing factor to the accident?
Are kids taught the Green Cross Code in school these days or is it simply up to drivers to avoid them or take the blame if an accident occurs ?
It’s all nonsense to make money. All they’ll do by reducing speeds is end up with people getting bored & using their phones
They need to spend some time patrolling outside schools at 9 am and 3pm and fine everyone parking on the chuffin zigzags.
I've explained this to you lot time and time again. According to the Highway Code, if you're dropping off or picking your kids up to/from school you can legally park anywhere, including at 45 degrees across the white line, blocking traffic in both directions and you can remain there until your kids are safely inside. You are also allowed to run over the lollipop lady if she gets in your way or tries to stop you. The same applies if you are calling for fish and chips, except that in that case there's no lollipop lady.