He does get caught in the face there to be fair to the lad. Not saying that entirely excuses perceived lack of effort (I was fuxking berating him at the time too) but he does seem to have taken a unfairly harsh beating on here this week. I’ve seen players do far less and not get the hammer he has. Likewise with Cavare, I’ve seen players do much dafter stuff than that push and not take as much hammer. Why? I have my suspicions but it’ll upset some folk. Edit: video doesn’t seem to work on Tapatalk
Fair enough, he did get hurt there, and yes - I was one who penned a few critical lines about him. I didn't like doing this because I had previously thought him worth developing and was hoping he might get a decent run. He still might - he's young enough and clearly has the raw talent. Just the application missing at the moment and a (seemingly) poor attitude to not being played regularly. I get the impression that unless he plays regularly he isn't that bothered about playing at all. I hope I'm wrong. PS - he could have earned himself a sending off for that early challenge. Foot up, caught their player who went down as if mortally wounded. The Fulham man may have been cheating but go in like that and it gives the ref the opportunity to red card you.
Balls. Never signalled to the bench, never spoke to a physio, just didn't try. Mallan got headbutted but I didn't see him walking round like a 5 year old in a strop
You don't know that, though, do you? There was a suggestion on here a few days ago that it was a problem with his eye. I'm not saying let's let him off the hook here, but I am saying let's have a think before we go fuxking mental at him. He's looked good in some games, poor in others. Saturday was one of the latter. He might just need some time to settle down, he might never settle down. Who knows at this stage? Chill out.
That Barnsley fans, like every other human being on this planet, are susceptible to racial biases. Whether they do so knowingly or not, I don't know. I think the vast majority of this board, including a lot of the ones who have criticised him, seem to be decent people. I'm also not saying that every single person who has criticised him has done so because he's a French black man, either — I'm talking about the wider picture, the amount of abuse in comparison to other incidents. It's very difficult to talk about things like this without coming across like a ********. I'm aware of that.
There must be a crowd of black supremacists infiltrating this site then, all castigating Potts. Because it always has to come down to something other than idleness and idiocy, doesn't it?
The lad was injured. Maybe he could have dealt with it better but since he’s been here I’ve only seen him give 100%. Sunderland away he worked harder than anyone. He took a whack in his eye and it obviously shook him up. Let’s forgive him for what appeared to be a lack of effort and support him as we were doing before.
Look it was pure coincidence that when ever the 3rd official held up his number it always made me fancy chicken chow mien and fried rice.
I’ve, quite strongly had a go at Thiam, this week. I’m probably the most un racist person on here. I have no thoughts about race in this instance, I commented that Thiam was **** and bone idle last weekend. To prove I’m not racist, I used to go out with a black girl, and I shagged her up the arse. I attempt to shag all my girlfriends up the arse irrespective of where they come from, or what their ancestry is. I do however try a little bit harder with catholics, because as you know it’s a bit frowned upon in those circles.
That push? That push was a punch round the head when we were coasting 1-0 up and which led to us losing 3-1.
Cavares foul was a push in the Fulham players back, nowhere near his head. The push sent the Fulham player into a clash of heads with Mallan.
Nothing against you Mr Nutkins but I hate when people make this claim. Equal amounts of unracist sure but I don't see how one can claim to be more unracist as that implies some racism on everyone else's behalf.