Goes into a little more detail on the incoming transfers. Also gives a good insight as to what happened with the Manzala and Ephestion deals falling through. Manzala passed his medical and got as far as choosing his squad number before deciding he wanted more money! Bullet dodged I would say with that type of character. Ephestion very different. It came down to in the end not wanting to move countries at this stage.
Yes. GG says he’s glad it happened because they only want players to come in for the right reasons. So he also gives the impression it was bullet dodged. He tried to get us to break the wage structure at the last minute and we refused to do it.
I reckon we would have still been talking about him settling in at the end of April. Thank god we got players in to hit the ground running, otherwise l would have written us off with the rest of the BBS. I think we'll be ok this year.
We would have signed all the players we did plus Manzala so in terms of bodies and options it’s one man less. Shame he’s greedy.
Manzala passed his medical and got as far as choosing his squad number before deciding he wanted more money! Bullet dodged I would say with that type of character. Agree with this can just imagine his agent saying they’ve just been taken over by rich owners let’s try and squeeze out another few grand a week. Before we know it we are in league 1 with players on 3 year deals screwing club for what they can. Sustainable progression I’m all for but this get players in at any cost business not for me.
Totally agree with RAC, sounds like a bullet dodged. Good player, great player, whatever. Would have been great to get over the line, but trying to change the deal at the last minute when you think the club has put so much work into the deal that they might be inclined to chuck in a few extra grand a week is not the type of character i'd like around the dressing room. really happy with the way GG dealt with this. He was candid and open: Wasn't the player that called the deal off, it was the club. Stick to our principles and don't get bent over by players with greedy agents whispering in their ear. Who needs Mansford?!?!
People seem quick to point the finger of blame at GG for anything , at least the bloke has offered some dialogue , credit to him because some people will dissect every syllable to look for a stick to beat him with , fair play to the lad.
Manzala made it impossible for him to get it over the line. He basically wanted to be the highest paid player, wanted us to break the wage structure. Imagine GG putting his signature to that and then having to explain it to the owners, Hecky and then the players. Probably a sackable decision.
Good to hear from GG. It is often the lack of communication that provides a vacuum in which criticism and concern can flourish. Even bad news is better just announced than left for people to guess about. We don't need an explanation for every club decision but the main ones, especially things like MacDonald, Manzala etc, it's great to just have a bit of clarity. If Ganaye continues to update then hopefully as fans we'll be more content. For e.g. we've all heard rumours about Angus, perhaps a short statement saying, 'All parties fell Angus needs a new start, we've got a reasonable fee etc' would be better than the rumour mill going into overdrive.
A cracking interview, shows GG in a completely different light. Young Nudger please watch this on iFollow
The explanation for MacDonald being sold still doesn’t sound credible. To paraphrase “we had too many central defenders, so Angus couldn’t get in the team.” Yet we signed a new centre back that walked straight into the starting XI. I’ve heard so many rumours - it would be nice to know which, if any, are true.