And it’s a slim one.
I doubt he'll be a popular choice for them. Already a lot of Leeds fans seem underwhelmed and if he struggles, no doubt the above story will be used against him. Whether any of it sways him to stay I doubt, but it's possibly not a great fit.
"Heckingbottom Rejects Leeds" as a BBC headline would be the most incredibly beautiful thing imaginable. If he can make that happen I would literally worship the man's stool samples. This could all be about him fulfilling a boyhood dream by taking the chance to have their pants down with the world watching... Straws. Clutching!
This reminds me of when Benitez struggled at Real and the press used his prior “hatred” of Real as a stick to beat him with.
Been listening to Radio Leeds football phone-in on drive home tonight. Very little support for the appointment there, from callers and studio guests. General theme - Leeds are too big a club for him.
If Ferguson, Guardiola and Massimo Allegri all loved each other, and the miracle of modern science gave them a horrific baby which grew up to synthesise the best of their collective managerial talents, Leeds would be too big for it. We're talking champions of Europe here.