With all due respect we have one of the smallest budgets in this league probley 2nd smallest wage budget. Wilson had one of the biggest in league one terrible spell imo.
I’ve read on countless occasions that PC came out and said that JC pushed for the Winnall signing having identified him. Your friend may well have submitted the plans but that doesn’t mean that Wilson was the architect.
Johnson preferred Nyatanga. Hecky actually used him quite a lot but summat happened with his contract.
His last tenure. He inherited a bunch of tuna heads and didn’t have the time to put things right. Danny Wilson manager with Redders as assistant. Match made in heaven. Danny knew a good signing when he saw one.
You can debate with me about anything at all... and i'm not as my "moniker" suggests..... truly... promise! I try not to make things personal and just cover my perceptions of a time. But you're right, everyone has an opinion and can share it. and everyone has the right to view an opinion how they perceive too. I'm not saying he's the top of my list.... I'm not sure there is a right appointment and whoever comes in is going to have to have very broad shoulders. What I would say, if (and its a big if), if Danny has put his name forward, he's got balls aplenty knowing some of the hostility about him from some quarters. But if he did get appointed, or I'll say, whoever it is who gets appointed, the fans really need to unite and give them a chance. Chalking French connection uk on everything and anything past future and present isn't going to save us.
He was scouting him for Wilson at least 2 years before we signed him. Danny couldn’t persuade the United board to take a punt. He saw him the most crucial signing when he took over. Not that I would want Wilson as manager mind.
Thought they offered him a poor deal and didn't think he would be needed with us been in championship. Would of been a decent squad player.
This shouldn’t even be up for discussion! Leave him in the past, which is what we should have done last time!
How can you say that given the calibre of player that Wilson signed when we went into the Prem? He initially got it absolutely wrong! He signed Tinkler, Leese, Krizan, Hristov et al. We didn’t stand a fighting chance until Ward and Fjortoft were brought in but by then it was too late.
I don’t wish to be disrespectful pal but you’re living in the dim and distant past. I could give a million reasons why your dream combo wouldn’t work but it’s not worth the effort as it’s not going to happen.
Is that it? That’s your response? Read Dennis’ book, read Wilson’s comments after the event. We got it massively wrong that summer.