Notice how they want to argue with him and call him names, but when he asks them to talk properly they run and hide.
Wasnt Tommy Robinson a Luton thug/fan, where he got the name from. That doesnt make him guilty though by using an alias.
I wouldnt argue with that, Im just saying him using this current name as an alias is totally irrelevant.
What makes him guilty is his many criminal convictions - drugs, violence, even being an illegal immigrant in the US by using someone else's passport. The OP is trolling again. He claims to be Mr Leftie but posts far right propaganda without comment. He claims to be a Celtic fan but was posting on here all last night when Celtic were on TV vs Zenit. He doesn't get to Oakwell much, if at all, either. Hmmmm
Err thats more or less the same as what Im saying, Im making the point that his alias is irrelevant. 'Robinson' likes to stir it I know but hes entitled to and people are entitled to listen to him if they want to. And if he can go on This Morning tv and make that smarmy smug git Piers Morgan look like a complete bellend, then that always gets my vote.
Firstly this is in germany. I think it's important to acknowledge that as we are not german and not residing in germany then we cannot fully understand how life is for the average german. 'Tommy Robinson' however is a racist and a bigot, there's no getting away from this. I watched '24 hours in police custody"(based in luton) last year and up popped Robinson. He was arrested on release from prison, the charge being assault on a fellow prisoner who happened to be of Asian descent. In the programme he argued he got in first as they were out to get him. He is the poster-boy of the far-right knuckle draggers in this country and others. Should he have a say? Absolutely, however risible that may be.
Whats your problem?? Someone from Rotherham or wherever ye from whos signed in and posted 6 times in a month just to trollme on here.. makes me wonder what your agenda is .. He's paid to do it . He's trying to set up pigida in uk who are from over there. Plus his new book was published via some right wing Americans who are also backing him.
Even if he does 'allegedly' spout racist drivel, this doesnt make him anywhere near as bad as the ones committing these appalling murders and terrorist attacks.
He's the other side of the same coin.. he does more for their cause than any religious fundamintalist could
Well we obviously think differently, but it wont stop me listening to what he has to say when hes on telly or in the media. Id agree though if these attacks werent happening, then he'd find something else to go and preach about because he obviously is that sort of bloke.
The guy who ran over those people at the mosque and whose ambition it was to kill Corbyn acted in part based on Robinson’s racist drivel. That makes him as bad in my world.
With a badge like that id expect nowt else from you. Bet you support what he stands for enorl. Obviously not..