As the kids play Saturday mornings, that’s 4 of us unable to get to the Barnsley match. Thanks syp, you really do an outstanding job.
And im on friday Saturday night shift as i was for the Wednesday game so I'll have three hours sleep again but so long as your alright its fine.
The police don’t move start times for nothing. They’ve twigged that something is being planned for the visit of these soft in the head cowards - of which about 500 of them charged about 50 Barnsley fans and families in the ground at Wembley. It doesn’t matter when it will happen - the guys that are into this type of thing are going to have their pay back time. That’s why the time has been changed to try and stop it.
I honestly think we should just ban them. The FA disgraced themselves by refusing to act when hundreds of their fans attacked / tried to attack ours & they’re simply not worth the hassle of paying out a fortune on policing costs for the couple hundred fans they bring. I don’t know how it works & whether the club could get away with doing it but I don’t want to be even near, they’re lowlife, going for women & picking fights with people not even interested in fighting.
This bunch of animals always pick a game every season to cause trouble at, As SYP got info that this will be their Rotherham this year?
Care to expand on this please, BFC have not agreed yet & Millwall have jumped the gun , what if it stays at 3pm & millwall fans have to change their arrangements again , what do you mean our club should look after the people who pay the bills ? you have confused me
SYP are supposed to serve the public. What a joke! Most self-serving organisation ever. This fixture has been on the cards for months and THEY decide at two weeks notice to bugger everybody about. Why? Because they can. Arseholes.
Cheers *******, we now can’t go, and for what. Everyone gets the same drinking time if they’re that way inclined.
You made a post, I asked you in a polite manner to expand , its you with the problem if you cannot communicate on a forum , I do not understand your point & have asked you to explain , whats the problem with that
Agree about syp being a joke.Ive a idea why not let the game ko at 3pm and do your job and police the sodding game like your paid to . Owt for an easy life .
Not the best day for our media department. First they have a go at our opponents for keeping their fans in the loop. Then only a few hours later the article mysteriously vanishes, without an appology. If we stand by what was said it should still be up to read. If we don't then as much as we hate Millwall we should apologise.
For most people on monthly pay, tomorrow is payday, Millwall fans will be booking trains in the morning for our game, the club realise this and have looked after their fans by giving them the heads up that they may be wasting their money. Our club wouldn’t have done this as their response shows.
Most Millwall fans travelling by train will have already booked their train tickets, just like the London Tykes have, luckily they get into Tarn at 12.15