Definite and very deliberate shove. Would have been furious with him had that been given. His hands up in a "what me" kind of way gives it away.
Mental instability - seems to think it's ok to use both hands to push an opposition player. How did we get away with that??
Switched off, didn't track his man decides a good push in the back will make up for it, not exactly playing himself into a start anytime soon.
He's a 23 year old man he isn't an 8 year old kid who hasn't yet learned that being a dirty cheat isn't acceptable or that he can be as selfish as he want and **** who he lets down. He's clearly not learned a thing from his disgusting shove the other week and his 'hands in the air in a 'what me?' fashion shows his attitude to what he does. Doesn't bother him in the slightest. Sorry but he's a liability and the sooner we **** him off the better. Just because we have only just signed somebody it doesn't make them a child. At 23 and being adult enough to have moved countries for his job he should be mature enough to know what is and isn't acceptable.
At times I'm pretty sure we've all done something stupid in the heat of the moment that we regret. However, we probably learned from it whereas this idiot hasn't, very lucky not to have a penalty give against us.