Was yesterday the coldest you've ever been at a football match? Always thought a few seasons back at a night match at Oldham was the coldest I'd been until Saturday. Took two hours to feel fingers and toes when I got home.
The U23 game against Everton will live long in the annals of ******* cold games. The performance of Potts and Thiam was even more chilling.
Have vivid memories of more than one stupidly cold trip to Oldham. Remember once setting fire to a box of matches just to try and light my *** in the howling crosswind. A case of all or nothing you might say.
I have told everyone that I have never been so cold at a match in my life. ( and believe me, I have been going many years!). The West Stand Lower was like a freezer with the wind from the East hitting straight on. Having said that, something on the pitch to warm us up might have helped! Then, I have never driven 100 miles in such awful conditions to get home... it was terrifying in places. I hope the garbage on the pitch appreciate what the fans go through to support them!
I forgot the day we went to QPR and it was the only game on in the country because of the plastic pitch. Even the pork pies froze on the football special train ( remember them?). BBC were forced to show 90 mins of US that night. Lol
Yesterday is definitely in the top three of my coldest ever matches. It wasn't helped by the ***** performance. All in all a game I won't forget in a hurry and for all the wrong reasons.
If it's the same night I'm thinking of, it was belting down with rain as well. The away end was still an open terrace at the time. We were sheltering in the toilets at one point. My clothes were stuck to me all the way home on the coach.
There was a night match against Watford some years ago which Ive always regarded as my coldest. The lad and I were debating on Setdi whether this one was worse. We both agreed it was, so yes it was the coldest we've ever been at a match.
At home to Blackpool int cup int early 80`s lost 2-0 always springs to mind as a cold un, but then as a young un dint always dress using mi loaf.
I can also recall a Boxing Day (I think) match against Notts County. Played in freezing fog IIRC And we lost 3-0