What was the difference? The one I had had keepers that threw the ball out and the pitch was moulded around the edges rather than having the elasticated stuff.
I remember waiting to get the version with the 'diving goalie' with the same anticipation and excitement as a modern day kid waiting for Call of Duty etc .....
I actually had a version that had the goal, the diving goalie and an outfield player to take pens. I think it was called striker league champions and came with loads of paper on which you wrote the results down and made league tables. I was majorly disappointed when I got it but in hindsight it probably was a bit more interesting than the proper game, which wasn't half as exciting as the adverts made it look
I was a Subbuteo boy. Played in a league but was never that good at away games when the host had his pitch on a table. I played on the floor which might explain why my knees are rubbish these days
Yeah, I used to play as well but I was gash. My mate had his on a big board. I don't think I ever won a game against him. I used to get fed up and my keeper would fly off his line and end up in his half! Great times though.
First one I remember owning was Bobby Charlton's Table Soccer by Camden (sp?). A red team v a white team, players controlled by turning little knob in each corner. Spent hours with it. Liked subbuteo too, but never remember having my own set.
It’s funny now I think of it but the only team I had in red and white were the old style flat figures - taller than the next generation. I had at least four teams in that style. When the next lot came out I went for Chelsea, Wolves, Newcastle and.............Leeds, but I soon saw the error of my ways and painted green shorts on them with my airfix paint. How spooky was that? Must have had a premonition that 30 years later we would have that as a second kit. I still have it all by the way. The unvandalised sets might be worth a bit now.
I just had the basic blue and red teams, but one of my better off mates had loads of teams, the flood lights and even a couple of stands etc. We were very envious whenever we went round there. Most games were underwhelming when i think back. All made to look good in the adverts and on the boxes, but boring as hell in reality.
Wouldn’t call it boring if the two players had good skills. I even had my own FA CUP tournaments playing short games by myself. It worked somehow and I tried not to be biased when Barnsley were playing
Great game, spent hours playing it in the 60's. Maybe we should club together and buy one, then send it to Jose. He might get some inspiration from the Casdon team formation: two centre backs, two wing backs, two defensive mids, two wingers,two strikers. Zonal defence and only the wingers/strikers are allowed over the half-way line. Could be a winner.
Sorry, didn't word it properly. Subbuteo definitely wasn't boring. As you say, you could use your imagination. Just quite a few other games and toys looked great until you actually got them. "Flight deck" is one that comes to mind. Looked brill in the adverts, but in reality it was a plastic plane on string