His mercedes was significantly quicker than any of the other cars in Q3 gifting him the pole position and here's what he had to say about rumours the car has a special 'party mode' for qualifying which gives it significantly extra speed. “I can assure you we don’t have a party mode. I used the same mode from Q2 to end of Q3. So there was no extra mode that I engaged.” And here's what his boss admitted. “There is a party mode in the car, we switched the party mode on in Q3." Can't stand somebody who won't admit that he's got extra help and will outright lie to the people who had made him a multi millionaire.
I know what you mean but “gifting” is a bit strong. He still had to beat his team mate who presumably has party mode too.
You are taking his boss's word over Hamilton's without any other independent verification, which (along with your poster title) tends to suggest that your mind on Hamilton is already made up. Although why anyone can get hot under the collar about the driver, in a sport where the winner is dictated by who is in the fastest car, is beyond me.[/QUOTE]
His teammate crashed though which did gift him the pole. That aside I don't think that bottas is a very good racer. I think he's the one of guy that is slow and steady and will continually bring the car home in a respectable position and rack up the points very a season in much the same way that rosberg was and also Jenson button. None of them set the world alight and fly past people but all know how to play the long game. I do admire Hamilton's ability but I find his personality and sense of entitlement extremely unpleasant.
Because his boss runs the team and knows how the car is designed. Oh and also because I've seen video evidence of Lewis admitting to such a mode existing during the week.
Well you know all about these things. But given that you say that his car is faster than all the others, thus "gifting" him pole, then I wonder what there is to get troubled about. "Man with fastest car goes fastest" Why should anyone be bothered in the slightest?
All this talk of a "Special Party Mode" makes me chuckle though. There is nothing stoping the other engine suppliers mapping their own "party Mode" to even things up. If they don't have the ability to, then they don't deserve to win races/championships. Also, as from this year, all customer teams have to have access to the same engine maps/modes as their respective works teams. So once again, if the other Merc powered teams can't put together an aero package that is as good as the works team, then again, they don't deserve to be winning races. N.B. I do realise the massive disparity in budgets between the teams at the front to those at the back(sound familiar?), so I can understand why they, for example Williams, are making up the numbers towards the back. Ferrari on the other hand have the largest budget of any team in F1, so I can't feel sorry for them if they can't put together a car to match a (slightly) smaller budgeted team...
[QUOTE="SuperTyke, post: 2109616, member: 6792" I do admire Hamilton's ability but I find his personality and sense of entitlement extremely unpleasant.[/QUOTE] So when did you meet him? Judging someone by what they see on TV is like judging people based purely on what is posted on this BB. The facts are that Hamilton is one of, if not the best driver of his generation. He comes across as highly professional, hard working and committed. He may well become one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time. He is well liked by his team and always mentions and thanks them for the hard work before during and after races. He is sought after by those in the business as he is the best. Compared to Alonso and Vettel he is far better when facing the media. When you are 4x world champion you can afford (and probably need to be) a little arrogant at times. Admittedly he did have his moments when he was younger but he has grown and matured. I have no idea what he is really like away from the media as I have never met him and, unless you have, you cannot know either. What makes you dislike him so much and what evidence do you have to believe he has a sense of entitlement?
The list of things he's said and done that have made me dislike him is far too long to list. By your theory though we should all have no opinion on anyone at all unless we have personally met hem. Joey Barton for example should not be disliked.
Opinions are one thing, but hatred for someone you have never met based on what you have read and how he is portrayed in the media, and your need to express that dislike on this BB smacks of something more to do with you rather than him. From personal experience you seem to find it easy to form strong opinions about people you have never met and have little actual knowledge of how they live, and what they actually believe.
But you "can't stand him" ?? 'Hate'- 'can't stand' .... Little difference according to the dictionary.
Which dictionary says there is little difference between not being able to stand/not being able to put up with and actually hating someone?
Jeez!! Have you been drinking or something...... MacMillan for starters... I could find more but can't be arsed.... Using the thesaurus Explore related meanings Feelings of hatred or disliking Something that you hate Not liked or loved Explore more meanings To disapprove of something or someone Explore antonyms To love or like a person or thing Synonyms hate verb to dislike someone or something very much someone can’t stand someone/something used for saying that a person dislikes someone or something very much dislike verb to not like someone or something bear verb if you cannot bear someone or something, you dislike them very much despise verb to hate someone or something and have no respect for them loathe verb to dislike someone or something very much detest verb to hate someone or something deplore verb formal to dislike something very much, often because you think it is immoral abhor verb formal to dislike something very much, usually because you think it is immoral someone can’t stand someone/something used for saying that a person dislikes someone or something very much